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Alternatives Federal Credit Union
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/alternatives-federal-credit-unionAlternatives Federal Credit Union is a community development credit union offering a combination of a traditional member-driven credit union and a not-for-profit community development organization services. They offer traditional deposit and loan services as well as financial education, small business networking, and free tax preparation for low income people.
125 N Fulton St, Ithaca http://www.alternatives.org (607) 273-4611 afcu@alternatives.orgAutumn Leaves Used Books
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/autumn-leaves-used-booksAutumn Leaves offers the selection and quality of a new book store at used book prices, and a basement stacked with the best selection of used records in the region. The spacious, well lit store is designed for comfortable browsing, with knowledgeable staff. Autumn Leaves is a Certified Living Wage Employer.
115 E State St, Ithaca http://www.facebook.com/Autumn-Leaves-Used-Books-345065755653 (607) 273-8239 autumnleavesusedbooks@yahoo.comBinghamton University Sustainable Communities Masters Degree Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/binghamton-university-sustainable-communities-masters-degree-programA versatile program in a growing field, the Sustainable Communities program integrates environmental protection, economic vitality and social equity to solve the challenges of communities around the world. Their unique, interdisciplinary two-year program connects students to departments all over the university to ensure professional education across the broad pillars of sustainability.
67 Washington St, Binghamton https://www.binghamton.edu/sustainable-communities/index.html (607) 777-9184 ghomsy@binghamton.eduBioscience Resource Project
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/bioscience-resource-projectThe Bioscience Resource Project provides scientific and intellectual resources for a healthy future. It publishes Independent Science News, a media service devoted to food and agriculture, and their impacts on health and the environment. It also offers resources for scientists and educators and internships and training for students. Through its innovative scientific journalism and original biosafety review articles, the project provides unique and revealing perspectives on issues that are fundamental to the survival of people and the planet. The project does not accept advertising or corporate funding and is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. It is completely dependent on individual donations.
Ithaca, NY https://bioscienceresource.org/ (607) 319-0279Bluebird Trail Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/bluebird-trail-farmBluebird Trail Farm is a small, friendly educational farm that offers a variety of activities and products. They are located in the hills of Corning NY, and are dedicated to raising fresh, chemical-free produce and healthy pasture-raised meats. They offer farm visits, a CSA membership, a nature trail to hike, or picking fresh vegetable and fruits from the gardens. They love hosting small groups of children and adults.
951 Harris Road, Corning http://www.bluebirdtrailfarm.org/ (607) 329-4023 bluebirdtrailfarm@gmail.comBravely Return to the Earth (Breathe)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/bravely-return-to-the-earth-(breathe)Breathe is a place based program on over 100 acres in Trumansburg, New York for preschool families and homeschooling families who wish to embody community, awareness, health and education in their daily lives. They teach academic subjects through an interdisciplinary curriculum adapted by teachers who live on the land, using the nature around us to inspire applicable learning experiences for their students. They also focus on self reliance skills through farm to table nutrition, animal caretaking and primitive technology, while creating a baseline of mindfulness activated by daily practices including yoga, meditation and body awareness. Their intention is to create intelligent peacekeepers in the next generation and feel it is crucial to encourage children to question incoming information as well as recognize and honor their gifts, passions and truths.
90 Podunk Rd, Trumansburg http://www.bravelyreturntotheearth.org bravelyreturntotheearth@gmail.comBroome-Tioga Green Party
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/broome-tioga-green-partyThe Green Party of New York State is a ballot status party in New York State. Committed to ecology, social justice grassroots democracy and non-violence, Greens are renewing democracy in the United States through community-based organizing without the support of corporate donors. Whether the issue is universal health care, corporate globalization, alternative energy, election reform or decent, living wages for workers, Greens have the courage and independence necessary to take on the powerful corporate interests opposed to reform. The Broome-Tioga Green Party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice, participatory, grassroots democracy, gender equality, LGBTQ rights, anti-war, anti-racism, and ecosocialism.
17 Main St, Binghamton https://www.facebook.com/broometiogagreens/ (607) 238-6879 sproutr15@gmail.comBuilding Bridges Initiative
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/-building-bridges-initiativeThe Building Bridges Initiative is a project of several local organizations that identifies equity as the preferred driver of both economic development and ecological sustainability, and prioritizes jobs for low-income people both in the city and in rural towns. The ultimate goals are eliminating structural poverty and racism, creating a local economy that works for everyone, and protecting the ecosystems that sustain the region.
Ithaca, NY 14850 https://buildingbridgestompkins.org/Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/canandaigua-lake-watershed-associationThe Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association is a thousand member, non-profit organization whose purpose is to protect the water quality and overall environment of the Canandaigua Lake watershed for future generations by applying scientific research, advocating sound public policy, and offering educational programs to the community.
493 South Main Street, Canandaigua http://www.canandaigualakeassoc.org (585) 394-5030 info@canandaigualakeassoc.orgCayuga Bird Club
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-bird-clubThe mission of Cayuga Bird Club is the conservation of birds and other wildlife in danger of extermination, the encouragement of bird-study, and the stimulation of interest in nature by means of lectures, demonstrations, walks afield, and the establishment of such preserves, laboratories, etc as opportunity may permit.
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd, Ithaca http://cayugabirdclub.org suan.yong@gmail.comCayuga Climate Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-climate-actionCayuga Climate Action seeks to educate, advocate, and act on the climate crisis to protect and restore our lakes and lands. Their objectives are to restore Cayuga County’s biodiversity, transition communities to 100% renewable energy, foster recycling, composting, and waste education and reduction, and to align themselves and the county in a right relationship with the planet.
Phoenix Building Havana Room, 2 South Street https://www.facebook.com/cayugaclimateaction/ (248) 565-6272 cayugaclimateaction@gmail.comCayuga Lake Watershed Network
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-lake-watershed-networkThe Cayuga Lake Watershed Network identifies key threats to Cayuga Lake and its watershed, and it advocates for solutions that support a healthy environment and sustainable, vibrant communities. The Network offers two free community conferences for the public annually on water issues of concern at the north and south ends of the lake; publishes four newsletters each year; cooperates with other groups in shared events for the public, and educates/advocates for the protection of Cayuga Lake, its creeks, land and communities. The Network is a charitable nonprofit organization founded in 1997, today with over 400 members and an active Board of Directors.
170 Main St, Aurora http://www.cayugalake.org (607) 319-0475 steward@cayugalake.orgCayuga Nation of New York
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-nation-of-new-yorkThe Cayuga Nation focuses on Land Rights and Economic Development. The Nation continues to be challenged on its Treaty Rights and its established reservation. Its businesses also are challenged and are currently in litigation in New York State courts. The Nation has approximately 493 enrolled members who primarily live in Western New York, but also can be found throughout the United States. Land acquistion continues to be a primary focus within the Land Claim area both in Seneca and Cayuga counties. The Nation currently holds approximately 824 acres in its land portfolio inside the land claim.
Seneca Falls, NY 13148 http://www.cayuganation-nsn.gov/ (315) 568-0750Cayuga Nature Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-nature-centerThe Cayuga Nature Center, a public education venue of the Paleontological Research Institution, provides indoor and outdoor programs and exhibits that encourage visitors to explore and understand the natural history of the Cayuga Lake Basin as part of the regional and global ecosystems. The Nature Center’s 100 acres of woodland and old field overlooking Cayuga Lake are home to a six-story treehouse, live native animals, a gorge and waterfall, and more than 5 miles of walking trails. The historic main lodge, built by the WPA in 1939, houses the largest public aquarium in the Finger Lakes – highlighting the fish life of Cayuga Lake past and present – as well as exhibits on local forest ecology, wildlife, and climate.
1420 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca https://www.cayuganaturecenter.org/ (607) 273-6260 info@cayuganaturecenter.orgCayuta Sun Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuta-sun-farmCayuta Sun Farm is a small but growing woodland farm utilizing permaculture principles and strategies to grow delicious, nutrient dense, and sustainable foods. We currently offer pastured meats and log-grown shiitake mushrooms. The farm also hosts the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute for workshops and events.
2962 S. Swamp Road, Alpine https://cayutasunfarm.com/ (607) 227-0316 Michael@CayutaSunFarm.comCCE-Schuyler Community Gardens
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cce-schuyler-community-gardensCornell Cooperative Extension of Schuyler County has maintained multiple community gardens, and currently maintains a Teaching Garden in Montour Falls, featuring 60+ varieties of fruiting plants. These gardens are home to varieties of pollinator (Mason) bees, Cornell trials, permaculture practices, composting demonstrations, rain barrels and so much more. They are also used to host classes which educate the community about a variety of gardening techniques and varieties.
323 Owego Street, Montour Falls http://cceschuyler.org/gardening/community-gardens (607) 535-7161 rlo28@cornell.eduCCE-TC Agriculture Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cce-tc-agriculture-programCornell Cooperative Extension links the research and extension efforts at Cornell University, the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station and the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, providing the knowledge to maximize New York State’s agricultural and natural resources. CCE's regional agriculture teams provide research-based information, programs, and technical assistance to dairy, field crops, vegetable, tree fruit and grape producers all around the state.
615 Willow Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850 http://cce.cornell.edu/program/agriculture (607) 272-2292 tompkins@cornell.eduCCE-Tompkins Buy Local Food Campaign
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cce-tompkins-buy-local-food-campaignThe Buy Local Campaign by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County is a community based initiative that evolved out of expressed interest to sustain local agriculture and build a stronger local food system in Tompkins and surrounding counties.Their goal is to foster the environmental, economic and social vitality of the community by increasing the connections between consumers and farmers. Through outreach, marketing, and special initiatives they seek to raise individual and institutional awareness about the benefits of buying fresh locally grown and made products and to make local food an integral part of daily life. They are currently working on increasing farm to restaurant connections, establishing farm to institution connections and providing access to fresh and nutritious food to low-income families.
615 Willow Ave, Ithaca http://ccetompkins.org/agriculture/buy-local (607) 272-2292 tompkins@cornell.eduCenter for Global Sustainable Enterprise
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/center-for-global-sustainable-enterpriseEstablished in 2003 through the generosity of Sam Johnson, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management’s Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise is a world-class academic institution producing and disseminating relevant knowledge for managers seeking innovative, profitable business opportunities which address global sustainability challenges and help transform the impacts of private enterprise on the world. The Center frames global sustainability challenges as business opportunities, and works with firms to specify innovative, entrepreneurial, and new business alternatives they can implement in the marketplace. Their programs include those focused on market and enterprise creation (particularly in low income communities), clean technology commercialization and innovation, and finance + sustainability.
253 Sage Hall Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 http://www.johnson.cornell.edu/Center-for-Sustainable-Global-Enterprise (607) 255-0276 sa872@cornell.eduCenter for Sustainability and the Environment
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/center-for-sustainability-and-the-environmentThe Center for Sustainability and the Environment at Wells College has three distinct, yet highly-interconnected areas of focus: · Academics: The Center supports faculty interested in incorporating sustainability content in courses across disciplines and assists students and their faculty mentors to undertake sustainability-related research projects. · Operations: The Center works with operational units across campus to further develop the campus as a "living-learning" laboratory that reinforces and models the principles and practices of sustainability that students learn in their coursework. · Outreach: The Center serves as the hub for programs that engage the college community in co-creating a more sustainable campus environment.
170 Main St, Aurora https://www.wells.edu/sustainability (315) 364-3266 admissions@wells.eduCenter for Transformative Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/center-for-transformative-actionThe Center for Transformative Action is an alliance of individuals and organizations inspired by principles of nonviolence and committed to bold action for justice, sustainability, and peace. CTA supports change makers with the tools to build thriving, inclusive communities that work for everyone. They serve their projects, the public, and Cornell University by offering educational programs and strategic organizational resources.
548 College Ave, Ithaca http://www.centerfortransformativeaction.org/ (607) 255-6202 ctaoffice@cornell.eduCentral New York Regional Planning and Development Board – Energy Management
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/central-new-york-regional-planning-and-development-board-–-energy-managementThe primary goal of the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board's Energy Management program is to promote the use of energy conservation measures and alternative energy development in Central New York. To help achieve this goal, the CNY RPDB received designation in 2007 by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to serve as the Energy Smart Communities Coordinator in Central New York. This designation provided the agency an opportunity to increase its commitment to helping individuals, businesses, and local units of government access a range of technical assistance services and financial resources which are available to support energy initiatives in their communities.
126 N Salina St, Syracuse http://www.cnyrpdb.org/programs/energy.asp (315) 422-8276 mail@cnyrpdb.orgCitizen Action of New York - Southern Tier Chapter
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/citizen-action-of-new-york---southern-tier-chapterCitizen Action of Binghamton is devoted to the fight for social equality, quality affordable health care for all, fair government through Voter Owned Elections, quality public education as a fundamental right, employment that pays a fair living wage, equity in social security, thwarting attempts to destroy our environment through hydrofracking, ending tax breaks for the affluent, and closing corporate tax loopholes.
477 State St, Binghamton https://www.facebook.com/CitizenActionSouthernTier (607) 723-0110 citizenactionst@gmail.comCivic Ecology Lab
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/civic-ecology-labCivic Ecology Lab, located in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at Cornell University, integrate research and public engagement to support stewardship, learning, and resilience in communities facing social and environmental stresses globally. Their members conduct engaged research and facilitate global online learning communities. They focus on the contributions of grassroots stewardship and education to climate mitigation, environmental enhancement, and individual and community health and well-being, and contribute to knowledge about the outcomes of, and interactions among, four components of a social-ecological system: They also focus on how small-scale stewardship and education efforts scale up to have broader impacts, including through applying research, institutional partnerships, and spread of behaviors in social networks. They also work in New York City, Puerto Rico, China, and other locations, integrating social equity and diversity with climate and environmental concerns.
Cornell University, Fernow Hall https://www.civicecology.org/ CivicEcology@cornell.eduCivic Ensemble
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/civic-ensembleCivic Ensemble creates theatre that explores and explodes the social, political, and cultural issues of our time. They bring audiences of different races, classes, and experiences together in a public forum on the American experiment.
127 Cleveland Avenue, Ithaca http://civicensemble.org/ (607) 241-0195 info@civicensemble.orgClimate Change Awareness and Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-change-awareness-and-actionIt is imperative to increase awareness and spur action on climate change: to support fair and just public policies and legislation, to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, to support regenerative agriculture and conservation. Climate Change Awareness & Action (CCAA) was formed for the purpose of educating others and actively working towards reversing the anthropogenic climate disruption that threatens the earth. They are a local 350.org group based in Syracuse, NY. As a local group, they have access to invaluable resources, including training and networking opportunities, helpful documents for planning and education, access to discussion groups, access to early announcements for 350.org events, and more. CCAA was formed in 2015 by a group of volunteers who spent countless hours working to educate and push others to take action in the fight against climate change.
Syracuse, NY https://www.climatechange-action.com/ (315) 308-0846 cc.awareness.action@gmail.comClimate Reality Project, Finger Lakes Greater Region of NY Chapter
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-reality-project,-finger-lakes-greater-region-of-ny-chapterThis chapter of The Climate Reality Project includes Binghamton, Syracuse, Ithaca, Elmira, Corning, Rochester, and areas in between. Their mission is to educate and mobilize all who reside in the region to take urgent climate action across every level of society, while ensuring that all individuals feel respected and included. Their purview includes climate mitigation, community adaptation and sustainable/regenerative development in response to the climate emergency.
1 Rocky Ln, Ithaca https://climaterealityfingerlakes.org (607) 279-3088 tjhirasuna@mac.comClimate Smart Farming Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-smart-farming-program-The Climate Smart Farming Program of the Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions is a voluntary initiative that helps farmers in New York and the Northeastern US to increase agricultural productivity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase farm resilience to extreme weather and climate variability. Their website serves as an interactive platform that integrates climate information in order to support decision-making at a farm or agricultural-system scale within a specific region.
Cornell University 102-105 Rice Hall, Ithaca http://climatesmartfarming.org/ (607) 254-4942 climatesmartsolutions@gmail.comClimate Solutions Accelerator of the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-solutions-accelerator-of-the-genesee-finger-lakes-regionThe Climate Solutions Accelerator is an inclusive, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to inspiring and facilitating a large-scale climate mobilization in the nine-county Genesee-Finger Lakes Region.Their mission is to create a healthier, more equitable, and environmentally sustainable community by catalyzing local efforts to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and address the effects of climate change. Their vision is a thriving region on a healthy planet, achieved through bold, systemic climate solutions that promote prosperity and security for all.
758 South Avenue, Rochester http:// www.climategfl.org (585) 461-1023 hello@climategfl.orgCoalition for Healthy School Food
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/coalition-for-healthy-school-foodThe Coalition for Healthy School Food (CHSF) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit that introduces plant-based foods and nutrition education in schools to educate the whole school community about the health, environmental, and social justice issues of food choices. They maintain diverse partnerships and programs in Ithaca and New York City, along with educational resources available to all.
1013 West State Street, Ithaca http://www.healthyschoolfood.org (607) 272-1154 amie@healthyschoolfood.orgColor Brighton Green
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/color-brighton-greenThe mission of Color Brighton Green is to develop and implement coordinated programs that engage Brighton residents of all ages, educators, businesses and community organizations in individual and collective actions that protect and improve our environment. Their vision is of Brighton as a community where natural resource conservation is a central part of the culture of its residents, community organizations, businesses, and public and private institutions. A majority of citizens and businesses in Brighton take actions on an ongoing basis to reduce their use of nonrenewable energy and other resources, which ultimately improves the global environment.
829 South Winton Road, Rochester http://ColorBrightonGreen.org (585) 381-8817Communitas
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/communitasCommunitas is an organization devoted to self-directed youth education, intergenerational community building, and nature connection. They offer nature education programs in Ithaca for use of mixed ages and backgrounds.
Ithaca, NY https://thisiscommunitas.org/ (949) 632-3022 matt@thisiscommunitas.orgCommunity Science Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/community-science-instituteThe Community Science Institute operates a state-certified water quality testing lab that partners with groups of volunteers to monitor water quality. Their stream monitoring programs empower local residents to take charge of collecting essential information about water quality that otherwise would not exist. The unique partnership between the lab and volunteer programs allows citizens to engage in monitoring programs that produce reliable, high-quality data that can be used by researchers and government agencies to manage water resources. Their certified lab tests water samples for their stream monitoring programs as well as for members of the general public, regulated suppliers, and government agencies.
95 Brown Rd, Ithaca http://www.communityscience.org (607) 257-6606 info@communityscience.orgCompost Education Program and Tompkins County Master Composters
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/compost-education-program-and-tompkins-county-master-composters-The Compost Education Program and Tompkins County Master Composters are programs of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County. They exist to support residents to compost organic food and yard waste in ways that are easy, cost effective and environmentally and socially responsible. Their programs support the goal of the Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management, their funders, to divert compostable materials from the waste stream and maximize waste reduction in the County.
615 Willow Ave, Ithaca http://ccetompkins.org/compost (607) 272-2292 acm1@cornell.eduConesus Lake Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/conesus-lake-associationThe Conesus Lake Association's mission is to “promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents, both permanent and temporary, of the area community known as Conesus Lake, Livingston County, New York.” Their programs include public education resources and the ConesUS Stewardship Initiative engaging the public in working to improve water quality and reduce the spread of of invasive aquatic species.
5828 Big Tree Rd, Lakeville http://www.conesuslake.org (585) 346-6864 info@conesuslake.orgCool Rochester
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cool-rochesterWith "The Low Carbon Diet" as their guide, they instruct, assist, & build consciousness around energy savings, wasting less, and more in the greater Rochester area.
Rochester, NY https://www.facebook.com/CoolRochester coolrochester@gmail.comCornell Botanic Gardens
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-botanic-gardensAs a living museum, the Cornell Botanic Gardens' cultivated gardens, arboretum, and thousands of acres of natural areas serve as outdoor classrooms for instruction across seven Cornell colleges and host research that seeks to address some of the world’s most pressing problems. The gardens are open to the public year-round and host educational programs for learners of all ages.
124 Comstock Knoll Drive, Ithaca http://www.cornellbotanicgardens.org (607) 255-2400 botanicgardens@cornell.eduCornell Cooperative Extension of Cayuga County – Environment Team
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-cooperative-extension-of-cayuga-county-–-environment-teamCornell Cooperative Extension of Cayuga County (CCE Cayuga County) is a community-based educational outreach agency with state and national networks. CCE Cayuga County has educational outreach programming in the areas of Agriculture, 4-H Youth Development, Environmental Education, and Nutrition. CCE staff work with Cayuga County residents to assess important community issues and needs and to develop and implement appropriate strategies and programs to address those needs.
248 Grant Ave, Auburn, NY 13021 http://blogs.cornell.edu/ccecayuga/env/ (315) 255-1183 cayuga@cornell.eduCornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-cooperative-extension-of-ontario-countyThe mission of Cooperative Extension is to enable people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work.
480 North Main Street, Canandaigua http://cceontario.org/ (585) 394-0377 ontario@cornell.eduCornell Cooperative Extension of Steuben County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-cooperative-extension-of-steuben-countyThe mission of Cooperative Extension is to enable people to improve their lives and communities through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work. Extension staff and trained volunteers deliver education programs, conduct applied research, and encourage community collaborations. Their educators connect people with the information they need on topics such as commercial and consumer agriculture; nutrition and health; youth and families; finances; energy efficiency; economic and community development; and sustainable natural resources. CCE-Steuben is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization and is part of the Cooperative Extension land grant system, a partnership between County, State, and Federal governments that is administered in New York State through Cornell University. Each county's Cooperative Extension association is independent and works to serve the needs of the county in which it is located.
20 East Morris Street, Bath http://putknowledgetowork.org/ (607) 664-2300 steuben@cornell.eduCornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-cooperative-extension-of-tompkins-countyCornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County provides programs and information to Tompkins County residents on agriculture, horticulture, and the environment; nutrition and food safety; consumer and financial education; 4-H youth development; and family and community development.
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca http://ccetompkins.org (607) 272-2292 tompkins@cornell.eduCornell Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-department-of-crop-and-soil-sciencesThe mission of the Crop and Soil Sciences Department is to generate and communicate knowledge pertaining to agroecosystems and their sustainable management in the face of accelerating global change. We educate students regarding stewardship of agroecosystems, preparing them for fulfilling private- and public-sector employment; they conduct scientific research to investigate complex problems that relate to sustainable land management and the intersection of agriculture and the environment; and they use their extension and outreach programs to inform their research, communicate their findings and enhance lifelong learning opportunities for stakeholders.
Roberts Hall, Ithaca http://css.cals.cornell.edu (607) 254-6765 calssrad@cornell.eduCornell Department of Design and Environmental Analysis
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-department-of-design-and-environmental-analysisThe Department of Design and Environmental Analysis faculty are committed to using a broad-based and diverse set of social science and design methodologies to understand how the planning, design and management of the built environment affects individuals, groups, organizations and communities, and how this knowledge can feed the imagination to generate innovative design solutions to pressing social and cultural issues. They combine innovative design thinking with insightful design research to understand how our daily lives are impacted by the built environment.
116 Reservoir Avenue, Ithaca http://dea.human.cornell.edu (607) 255-2144 dea-admin@cornell.eduCornell Energy Systems Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-energy-systems-instituteThe mission of the Cornell Energy Systems Institute (CESI) is to "make smart energy systems with low carbon footprint the norm through innovations in materials, technology, and systems design.” In pursuit of this mission, the institute intends to take on an ambitious agenda spanning discovery research to technology translation. The goal is to catalyze the frontier research on materials, devices, data analytics, and intelligent systems architectures required to lower cost, improve performance, and reduce the carbon footprints of energy systems. The institute also serves as a hub for subject matter experts, programs, and multi-user facilities designed to translate energy-focused research discoveries to prototypes and prototypes to commercial practice.
134 Hollister Drive 171A Kimball Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 https://energy.cornell.edu/about-us (607) 255-5003 mmp259@cornell.eduCornell Environmental Collaborative (ECO)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-environmental-collaborative-(eco)Cornell Environmental Collaborative was established in 2013. Our founders saw the redundancy and disorder among environmental groups on campus. In establishing ECO, the organizations are able to coordinate with each other in order to effectively promote environmental awareness to Cornell students. Our mission is to increase dialogue among environmental organizations and all other interested organizations; launch and uphold meaningful venues for reducing negative environmental impact; and provide opportunities for all students to gain knowledge and experience in relevant issues.
Cradit Farm Dr, Ithaca https://cornelleco.org/ (607) 255-6375 eco.cornell@gmail.comCornell Farmworker Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-farmworker-programThe Cornell Farmworker Program is dedicated to improving the living and working conditions of farmworkers and their families, and to seeking recognition for farmworkers' contributions to society and their acceptance and full participation in local communities. The Cornell Farmworker Program envisions a state and nation in which farmworkers receive equal protection under law, earn a living wage, live in comfortable housing, are safe and healthy, receive due respect as workers and as individuals, and participate fully in their communities.
Cornell University, Warren Hall https://cardi.cals.cornell.edu/programs/farmworker/ (607) 255-9510 cardi@cornell.eduCornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-institute-for-climate-smart-solutionsThe Cornell Institute for Climate Smart Solutions (CICSS) builds stakeholder capacity and works toward a future where agricultural, environmental, and social systems are resilient in the face of a rapidly changing climate and have reduced their impacts on the climate system. Its mission is to carry out and facilitate interdisciplinary research, develop new resources and decision tools for stakeholders, train farmers, community members, youth, and policymakers to help them mitigate and adapt to climate change, and build partnerships and engage stakeholders to co-develop climate change solutions.
Cornell University, Rice Hall https://www.adaptationclearinghouse.org/organizations/cornell-institute-for-climate-smart-solutions.html (607) 254-4942 climatesmartsolutions@gmail.comCornell Lab of Ornithology
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-lab-of-ornithologyThe Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a world leader in the study, appreciation, and conservation of birds. Their mission is to interpret and conserve the earth’s biological diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds. Their hallmarks are scientific excellence and technological innovation to advance the understanding of nature and engage people in all walks of life to make new discoveries, share insights, and galvanize action. They offer an array of citizen science programs, onsite and virtual education for all ages, visitor center exhibits and hiking trails at Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary, and much more.
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd, Ithaca https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home (800) 843-2473 cornellbirds@cornell.eduCornell Orchards
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-orchardsThe Cornell Orchards is a working orchard, vineyard, fruit farm and a primary research and teaching facility for the Department of Horticulture and other departments in Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Their research focuses on developing environmentally friendly, sustainable practices that provide consumers with healthy, high-quality fruit and help New York fruit producers flourish.
709 Dryden Rd, Ithaca https://cuaes.cals.cornell.edu/farms/cornell-orchards/ (607) 255-4542 cornellaes@cornell.eduCornell Small Farms Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-small-farms-programTheir mission is to foster the sustainability of diverse, thriving small farms that contribute to food security, healthy rural communities, and the environment. Cornell Small Farms Program accomplishes this by encouraging small farms-focused research and extension programs and fostering collaboration in support of small farms.
Plant Science Bldg, Ithaca http://smallfarms.cornell.edu (607) 255-9227 smallfarmsprogram@cornell.eduCornell University Atkinson Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-university-atkinson-centerThe David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future empowers faculty to think outside of their departments and across disciplines when it comes to tackling the world's greatest challenge—creating a vital and resilient future for the global community. By providing start-up funding for cross-college collaborations, emergency research, and partnerships with non-profits, government, and industry, the Atkinson Center supports the pioneering risk-takers at the very heart of radical collaboration through multiple funds and fellowship program.
Cornell University, Ithaca http://www.atkinson.cornell.edu/ (607) 255-7535 acsf@cornell.eduCornell Waste Management Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-waste-management-institute-The Cornell Waste Management Institute, a program of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, serves the public through research, outreach, training, and technical assistance programs in solid waste disposal, management and planning. CWMI develops and shares research-based knowledge to help stakeholders - from farmers to policymakers - make sound decisions on managing organic residuals. Their areas of expertise include composting, farm waste, sewage sludge, and soil quality.
Bradfield Hall, Ithaca http://cwmi.css.cornell.edu (607) 255-1187 cwmi@cornell.eduCorning Global Energy Management Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/corning-global-energy-management-programThe Corning Global Energy Management Program has a long-term view of energy conservation and global energy management that includes the environmentally responsible and cost-effective use of energy in their facilities around the world. GEM teams at every Corning facility around the world execute five strategies to achieve this mission: 1. Continuously improve energy, water, and natural resource management in operations. 2. Incorporate energy, water, and natural resource innovation in product development, product design, and manufacturing processes. 3. Engage employees and suppliers in energy, water, and natural resource management. 4. Ensure Corning meets customer requirements regarding energy, water, and natural resource utilization. 5. Analyze and communicate Corning’s progress and successes in energy, water, and natural resource innovation to internal and external stakeholders.
1 Riverfront Plaza, Corning https://www.corning.com/worldwide/en/sustainability/preservation/global-energy-management.html (607) 974-9000 inquiries@corning.comDacha Project
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/dacha-projectThe Dacha Project a do-it-yourself, egalitarian and educational homestead. They are comprised of six friends and an extensive circle of supporters and community members. Situated on 16 acres in Finger Lakes region of New York, they built an off-the-grid, earth-bermed, solar-passive house, powered by active solar and a diesel generator converted to run on waste vegetable oil. In addition, they built, or rather sculpted, a straw-bale cottage, planted a fruit and nut tree orchard, and are ever-expanding their gardens. The Dacha Project is almost entirely owner built, with innovative designs for their energy, heating, water, waste and agriculture systems. They often invite the community in for tours, events and workshops. In the future, they plan to expand their educational programming and more official artist/writing residencies, as well as internships and apprenticeships. Although, they are not looking for more permanent members at this time, any interested people are welcome to visit, write, propose projects, or simply explore the website or keep up with the project on Facebook.
Freeville, NY http://dachaproject.com/ dachaproject@gmail.comDilmun Hill Student Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/dilmun-hill-student-farmDilmun Hill is a student-run farm with a mission to provide students with opportunities for experiential learning, group collaboration and research. Throughout the year, they host work parties where volunteers work in the fields and experience the latest in sustainable agricultural practices. The student managers and steering committee members collaborate with the Organic Coordinator and Faculty Advisors to provide leadership in farm operations and disseminate information through education and outreach.They also collaborate with various organizations on campus, such as MacDaniels Nut Grove. Their popular campus farm stand offers Dilmun Hill produce for sale from June through October and we supply local produce to Cornell Dining and Manndible Café in season.
705 Dryden Road, Ithaca https://cuaes.cals.cornell.edu/farms/dilmun-hill/ dilmunhill@cornell.eduDiscover Cayuga Lake
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/discover-cayuga-lakeSince 2003, Discover Cayuga Lake has provided hands-on learning opportunities in the interest of sustaining our Finger Lakes waterways for future generations. They offer Eco-Cruises on Cayuga Lake (May-October), Floating Classroom experiences for grades 5 and up, Trout in the Classroom school-based programs, and a variety of free or donation based cruises for local residents. They serve communities throughout the Cayuga Lake watershed and their boat, the MV Teal, is based out of the Allan H. Treman State Park Marina in Ithaca, NY. Contact booking@discovercayugalake.org for cruises and charters, or education@discovercayugalake.org for educational programs.
Allan H. Treman State Marine Park, Taughannock Boulevard https://www.discovercayugalake.org/ (607) 327-5253 booking@discovercayugalake.orgDorothy Cotton Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/dorothy-cotton-instituteThe Dorothy Cotton Institute is a project of the Center for Transformative Action. Its mission is to develop, nurture and train leaders for a global human rights movement, to build a network and community of civil and human rights leadership and to explore, share and promote practices that transform individuals and communities, opening new pathways to peace, justice and healing.
Ithaca, NY http://www.dorothycottoninstitute.org/ (607) 277-3401 info@dorothycottoninstitute.orgDurland Alternatives Library
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/durland-alternatives-libraryThe Alternatives Library is a small community library dedicated to alternative media and social/environmental justice. If it is not possible to come to the library, their materials are available through inter-library loan throughout the area served by the Finger Lakes Library System (FLLS). Programs include Prisoner Express distance learning for thousands of people in US prisons and the DIY Resource Center offering education and support for self-publishing and community organizing.
Anabel Taylor Hall, 548 College Avenue https://www.alternativeslibrary.org/ (607) 252-6946EcoVillage at Ithaca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ecovillage-at-ithacaEcoVillage at Ithaca is part of a growing global movement for a saner, more sustainable human culture. Comprising an intentional community and a non-profit educational organization, the project is developing an alternative model for suburban living which provides a satisfying, healthy, socially rich lifestyle, while minimizing ecological impacts. EcoVillage currently includes two 30-home cohousing neighborhoods, FROG and SONG, with a third 40-home cohousing neighborhood, TREE, completed in 2015. The village is also home to an organic CSA vegetable farm, an organic CSA/U-Pick berry farm, office spaces for entrepreneurs, a neighborhood root cellar, community gardens, and meadows, ponds and woodlands. Over 80% of the 175 acre site is planned to remain green space, including 50 acres in a conservation easement held by the Finger Lakes Land Trust.
212 Rachel Carson Way, Ithaca http://ecovillageithaca.org/ (866) 529-4465 learn@ecovillageithaca.orgEdible Acres
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/edible-acresA permaculture nursery and forest farm research space focused on low and no tech solutions. Edible Acres offers an array of useful plants and provides consultations, plant identification, garden design and installation and management services. Their primary focus is making useful and edible plant stock available to the community.
9408 Congress Street Ext, Trumansburg http://www.edibleacres.org (607) 342-4953 seandembrosky@gmail.comEdible Finger Lakes
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/edible-finger-lakesEdible Finger Lakes is a culinary magazine dedicated to celebrating and promoting the regional food scene, with a focus on the many farms, vineyards, culinary artisans, chefs and home cooks, farmers’ markets, food shops, country inns, restaurants and cafes in the area. Their mission is to promote local foods and festivities and to persuade people living in the region, and those who visit, that fresh food from the area is the most delicious, exciting and healthy choice when it comes to the plate or the pantry. They want consumer dollars to stay close to home by supporting the local farmer, culinary entrepreneur and chef whether at the market, the farm stand or featured on the café menu. Their stories are people based and our pages are filled with beautiful color photography, enticing artwork and mouth-watering recipes.
Ithaca, NY https://ediblefingerlakes.com/ info@ediblefingerlakes.comEnergy Independent Caroline
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/energy-independent-carolineEnergy Independent Caroline is a collaborative effort between residents, Town Board, and other interested people to effectively use our natural resources to achieve energy independence from fossil fuels on a municipal & residential level. Their mission is to produce power for electricity, heat, and transportation from renewable resources. To accomplish this, they initiate renewable energy projects while educating Caroline residents about energy issues in order to build commitment to reducing energy consumption.
2670 Slaterville Rd, Slaterville Springs http://www.townofcaroline.org/energy-independent-caroline.html (607) 539-6400 sunnybrk@gmail.comEngineers for a Sustainable World
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/engineers-for-a-sustainable-worldEngineers for a Sustainable World aims to forage innovative, lasting solutions to local and global sustainability challenges. Members of this team participate in projects pertaining to Solar Powered Solutions, Renewable energy Design and Bio fuels. Talks take place every semester by local professors and industry experts to educate people about sustainable initiatives in their area. These talks are open to the public so that we can educate the greater population about the work that needs to be done to create a lasting community. Tours also take place of the Ithaca area to highlight the local sustainable practices as well as learn about different types of sustainability.
107 Hollister Hall, Ithaca https://esw.engineering.cornell.edu/ eswcornell@gmail.comFarmers Market Federation of New York
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/farmers-market-federation-of-new-yorkThe Farmers Market Federation of NY works with over 700 farmers markets statewide, as well as government agencies, nonprofits, the local farm community, and consumers across the state. Their mission is to support and promote the viability of farmers markets through innovative services, programs and partnerships that maximize the benefits of markets to sellers, buyers and communities.
109 Twin Oaks Drive, Syracuse https://www.nyfarmersmarket.com/ (315) 400-1447Finger Lakes Beekeepers Club
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-beekeepers-clubThe Finger Lakes Beekeepers Club page is a community of over 100 beekeepers at all levels of experience and expertise whose purpose is to share knowledge and appreciation of honeybees, to improve the craftsmanship of its members, and to provide opportunities for friendship and conviviality among members and their families. Beekeeping speakers, workshops and programs are sponsored throughout the year.
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca http://flbeeclub.com/ Info@flbeeclub.comFinger Lakes Buy Green
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-buy-greenThe goal of this website is to encourage green purchasing practices by providing consumers (residents, businesses, and other organizations) with the information necessary to buy products that protect our health and our environment. Included is a regularly updated database of product information, complete with product names, green attributes and the local supplier. The database of green products is constantly growing. Enjoy exploring this site and all it has to offer! Please check back regularly as new products and stores are added.
122 Commercial Ave, Ithaca http://recycletompkins.org/Other-Services/Buy-Green (607) 273-6632 beckstrom@tompkins-co.orgFinger Lakes Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-instituteFinger Lakes Institute (FLI) is dedicated to the promotion of environmental research and education about the Finger Lakes and surrounding environments. In collaboration with regional environmental partners and state and local government offices, the Institute fosters environmentally-sound development practices throughout the region, and disseminates accumulated knowledge to the public.
300 Pulteney Street, Geneva http://www.hws.edu/fli/ (315) 781-4399 fli@hws.eduFinger Lakes Meat Project
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-meat-projectThe Finger Lakes Meat Project is an initiative by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins and Steuben Counties to grow the freezer trade (sales of meat in bulk quantities such as whole, half and quarter animals) to benefit regional livestock farmers and consumers. It provides educational outreach, a region-wide online directory of farms, and community freezer storage locations in Ithaca and Corning, called Meat Lockers. The Ithaca Meat Locker is a community freezer space for storing bulk purchases of locally-raised meat. Though many people are interested in buying meat locally and in bulk, many lack adequate freezer space at home. As a solution to this barrier, they posed the idea of a Meat Locker, just like ones that were frequently used in the 50's and 60's.
118 West Green Street, Ithaca https://www.pressbayalley.com/meat-locker (607) 216-8321 pressbayfoodhub@gmail.comFinger Lakes Native Plant Society
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-native-plant-societyFinger Lakes Native Plant Society is an Ithaca-based organization dedicated to promoting the appreciation of the region's native flora. They hold free public field trips throughout the year and free indoor programs during the colder months. Members receive a newsletter and participate in a seed exchange, a spring native plant sale, and a December celebration of native plants.
532 Cayuga Heights Road, Ithaca http://flnps.org/Finger Lakes Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-partnership-for-regional-invasive-species-management-(prism)PRISM aims to reduce the introduction, spread, and impact of invasive species within the Finger Lakes PRISM region through coordinated education, detection, prevention, and control measures.
300 Pulteney St, Geneva http://fingerlakesinvasives.org/ (315) 781-4385 mosher@hws.eduFinger Lakes ReUse
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-reuseFinger Lakes ReUse is an Ithaca organization striving to enhance community, economy, and environment through ReUse. Ithaca ReUse Center and ReUse MegaCenter provide a convenient and affordable way to donate, purchase, and reuse materials including household goods, furniture, building materials, refurbished computers, computer peripherals, and home electronics. Other services include building deconstruction, the ReSET job training program, and the Ithaca Fixers Collective.
214 Elmira Rd, Ithaca http://ithacareuse.org/ (607) 257-9699 info@fingerlakesreuse.orgFinger Lakes Toy Library
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-toy-libraryA 501(c)(3) nonprofit children's toy lending library with a mission to improve quality of life by increasing access to toys, supporting play, and encouraging a culture of reuse and sharing. Specializing in high-quality toys, and an all-ages games and puzzles collection. Memberships are available to all community members, regardless of ability to pay. A great resource for families, child care providers, therapists, family workers, grandparents, babysitters and so many more! The Toy Library also welcome donations of gently-used toys--please see the website for donation guidelines. Located at the Shops at Ithaca Mall.
40 Catherwood Road, Ithaca http://www.fingerlakestoylibrary.org (607) 319-0488 info@fingerlakestoylibrary.orgFirst Presbyterian Church - Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/first-presbyterian-church---justice,-peace-and-integrity-of-creationThe JPIC (Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation) committee is a social and environmental witness group that grew out of the church’s earlier Church and Society committee. As a subcommittee of Adult Education we regularly offer topic ideas and support.
315 N Cayuga St, Ithaca http://www.firstpresithaca.org (607) 272-2800 office@firstpresithaca.orgFood Forest Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/food-forest-farmAt Food Forest Farm, they aim to help people create low-maintenance, regenerative food systems. They grow, supply, and teach about perennial vegetables and other multipurpose plants. They work with their clients to design landscapes, and lives, that are sustaining and nourishing for the people and the planet. Their main garden and farm projects are in New York. Their Paradise Lot garden in Holyoke Massachusetts is thriving and tended by new wonderful land stewards.
Brooktondale, NY http://www.foodforestfarm.com (413) 588-8435 foodforestfarm@gmail.comFoodlink
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/foodlinkFor more than 40 years, Foodlink has leveraged the power of food to end hunger and build healthier communities in Allegany, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming, and Yates counties. Foodlink’s community health programs provide new access points to nutritious and affordable food in underserved communities. They empower individuals and families to make healthy choices through nutrition and culinary education initiatives. Through their food bank, they distribute nearly 20 million pounds of food annually to a network of nonprofit partners.The Foodlink Community Kitchen nourishes thousands of children daily with healthy meals, slices locally grown apples that are distributed throughout New York, and prepares people for careers in the regional food industry through a one-of-a-kind career empowerment program.
1999 Mt Read Blvd, Rochester https://foodlinkny.org/ (585) 328-3380 info@foodlinkny.orgForget-Me-Not Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/forget-me-not-farmForget-Me-Not Farm is a family homestead that produces and sells diverse herbal products, yarn, cider, and more, and offers farmstays and classes on medicine and textile making. Forget-Me-Not Farm sells its products online and at the Ithaca Farmers' Market. The farm also has it's own B&B where you can enjoy the farm life and pure nature.
56 Lathrop Hill Road, Candor http://smallgracesatforgetmenotfarm.com (607) 319-1456 smallgracesherbal@gmail.comFreeville Earthship/Tapped Earth Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/freeville-earthshiptapped-earth-farmOff-grid farm, homestead, and teen education center utilizing rainwater collection and diversion, earth-bermed greenhouse, pastured poultry, vegetables, berries, tree fruits/nuts.
Freeville, NY 13068 http://freevilleearthship.blogspot.com (607) 280-7075 chad.devoe@gmail.comFriends of Rogers
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/friends-of-rogersFriends of Rogers (FOR) is a nonprofit organization composed of dedicated supporters of the Rogers Environmental Education Center. They offer environmental and educational annual community events, school programs, Adventure Camps, adult programs, and more. FOR also displays a rich collection of NYS birds, provides interpretive exhibits, and maintains the many trails and trout ponds on 600 acres of NYS property.
2721 State Route 80, Sherburne https://friendsofrogers.org/ (607) 674-4733 info@friendsofrogers.orgFriends of the Chemung River Watershed
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/friends-of-the-chemung-river-watershedThe Friends of the Chemung River Watershed is the community's connection for everything related to the beautiful Chemung River, its tributaries, and the trails and grounds surrounding the river. They promote regional recreation for guided paddles, fishing, riverside hikes, cross-country skiing, biking, bird watching, nature photography, and other events and programs. They advocate for increased responsible usage of the watershed, and work to educate the public on safe and fun recreation around the river.
109 North Main Street, Elmira https://www.chemungriverfriends.org/ (607) 846-2242 director@chemungriverfriends.orgFriends of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/friends-of-the-montezuma-wetlands-complexThe mission of Friends of the Montezuma Wetlands is to assist and promote wildlife management, habitat restoration, conservation education, and public use within the Montezuma Wetlands Complex (MWC). The Friends of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex work with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, and Ducks Unlimited to protect, restore, and enhance wildlife habitat over 36,000 acres in upstate New York. They assist in promoting and maintaining outdoor-related recreation in the MWC, provide educational services, and promote research activities for the MWC.
3395 U.S. 20, Seneca Falls https://friendsofmontezuma.org montezuma@audubon.orgFrisch Ecological Design
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/frisch-ecological-designFrisch Ecological Design works throughout the Rochester and Genesee Valley Region to connect people to their land through design and planning. A thoughtful whole-system approach seeks to integrate humans and nature to create landscapes that regenerate, restore, and steward the natural world while meeting our needs for food, water, and wildlife. Landscapes can be as functional as they are beautiful in both urban and rural environments.
Spencerport, NY https://www.frischecologicaldesign.com/ contact@frischecologicaldesign.comFruition Seeds
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/fruition-seedsFruition Seeds cultivates over 300 varieties of certified organic vegetables, herbs & flowers to surround you with beauty & abundance. Outstanding flavor drives their passion for seed saving, as well as selecting their varieties for early maturity, productivity & disease resistance here in the short seasons of the Northeast so you & your garden will thrive in every season. Visit the Plant Now! guide & sign up for their monthly organic gardening newsletter for tips, fun how-to videos, invitations to events & exclusive seasonal offerings. Their non-GMO seeds may be saved, as heirlooms, for all generations to come. Fruition seeds is constantly collaborating with farmers, chefs, universities & food banks to build a robust regional food system from the ground up, together. Organic, regionally adapted vegetable, flower & herb seeds are selected for flavor as well as early maturity, cold hardiness and disease resistance and other essential traits to help plants thrive in short seasons. They sell organic gardening supplies and offer consultation, webinars, and a free eBook. Hosting numerous tours and tastings throughout the season, they aim to share everything they’ve learned with their community.
7921 Hickory Bottom Road, Naples http://www.fruitionseeds.com/ (585) 374-8903 petra@fruitionseeds.comFull Plate Farm Collective
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/full-plate-farm-collectiveThe Full Plate Farm Collective is a multi-farm organic CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in the Ithaca, NY area, comprised of founding members Remembrance Farm, Stick & Stone Farm, Three Swallows Farm, and a small network of other local growers. Their farms grow over 50 acres of organic vegetables which are offered through 500 summer and 300 winter CSA shares to households in Ithaca, Trumansburg, and Danby. Full Plate members have unlimited access to U-Pick gardens at Stick and Stone Farm and Three Swallows Farm, access to "side dish" CSAs from other local producers, like the Finger Lakes Fruit Bowl, Wide Awake Bakery, Double E Farm mushrooms, Autumn's Harvest, Black Pearl Creamery, and LilyRoot Farm pasture-raised eggs, and an invitation to community events like cooking classes, Harvest Dinners, potlucks, workshops, seasonal celebrations, volunteer opportunities, and educational events on the farm.
Ithaca, NY 14851 https://www.fullplatefarms.com/ (607) 379-2866 csa@fullplatefarms.comGanondagan
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ganondaganJust southeast of Rochester, New York, in the town of Victor, lies Ganondagan (ga·NON·da·gan), the site of a Native American community that was a flourishing, vibrant center for the Seneca people. Visit this site where thousands of Seneca lived 300 years ago, tour a full-size replica of a 17th-century Seneca Bark Longhouse, walk miles of self-guided trails, climb the mesa where a huge palisaded granary stored hundreds of thousands of bushels of corn, and learn about the destruction of Ganondagan, Town of Peace, in 1687.
7000 Co Rd 41, Victor http://www.ganondagan.org/ (585) 924-5848 info@ganondagan.orgGreater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/greater-ithaca-activities-center-(giac)The Greater Ithaca Activities Center is a center for all ages, particularly youth and teens. They serve the immediate neighborhood and the greater Ithaca area by providing multicultural, educational, and recreational programs focused on social and individual development. Their programs include services dedicated to improving the quality of life for the people they serve; advocating for the rights and needs of youth, families, underrepresented and disenfranchised populations; providing structured employment training opportunities for at risk youth and adults; and fighting against oppression and intimidation in the community. Their center executes this mission through its own programming and by drawing on the resources of other community agencies and individuals.
301 W Court St, Ithaca http://www.cityofithaca.org/327/Greater-Ithaca-Activities-Center (607) 272-3622 giacmain@cityofithaca.orgGreentopia
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/greentopia-Greentopia is an organization that strives to create a resilient Rochester one neighborhood at a time, through ecological design, stewardship, and community advocacy. Their Green Visions workforce development program offers local youth job experiences, training, and mentorship while operating a cut flower farm in areas formerly covered by vacant lots. Their High Falls EcoDistrict Program is creating New York State’s first EcoDistrict.®
74 Browns Race, Rochester https://greentopia.org/ (585) 287-5560 info@greentopia.orgGroton Public Library
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/groton-public-libraryThe Groton Public Library promotes literacy by providing a wide range of reading for all ages in many formats. They serve as a center for community information services as well.
112 E Cortland St, Groton https://grotonpubliclibrary.net/ (607) 898-5055 director@grotonpubliclibrary.orgGroundswell Center for Local Food & Farming
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/groundswell-center-for-local-food-farmingGroundswell Center for Local Food & Farming is training the next generation of sustainable farmers in the Finger Lakes. They support individuals to develop agricultural skills and grow profitable, equitable and ecologically sound farm businesses. They work to dismantle racism in the food system by addressing inequalities in access to land and resources and prioritizing support for underrepresented producers including people of color, refugees, women and individuals with limited resources.
225 S Fulton St, Ithaca http://www.groundswellcenter.org (607) 319-5095 info@groundswellcenter.orgHabitat for Humanity of Tompkins and Cortland Counties
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/habitat-for-humanity-of-tompkins-and-cortland-countiesHabitat for Humanity of Tompkins and Cortland Counties is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, a global, nonprofit housing organization. They partner with first-time homebuyers in our community to help them build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homebuyers invest “Sweat Equity” hours by working alongside volunteers to build their own home or the homes of other Habitat families. In addition to construction, homeowners-to-be earn Sweat Equity by volunteering at events, assisting with administrative tasks, and taking financial and homeownership training classes. Children can even help their parents earn Sweat Equity by getting good grades in school. Upon completion of construction, Habitat homeowners purchase their house and pay an affordable mortgage. These mortgage payments are used to fund construction of more Habitat homes.
14 West Main Street, Dryden https://tchabitat.com/ (607) 844-3529 info@tchabitat.comHammerstone School Carpentry for Women
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/hammerstone-school-carpentry-for-womenHammerstone School Carpentry for Women, located outside Ithaca, NY, teaches building skills to women of all ages and experience levels. By increasing the skills of individual women, they hope to increase the number of women in the trades, and ultimately change workplaces for women in and outside of the trades. They also offer contracting services specializing in timber framing, residential construction, and tiny houses.
3285 Jacksonville Road, Trumansburg https://hammerstoneschool.com/ (607) 351-6878 info@hammerstoneschool.comHeartstone Center for Earth Essentials
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/heartstone-center-for-earth-essentialsHeartstone Center is an education & retreat center devoted to nourishing the essence of life in ourselves and on the Earth. The center provides a location for a variety of services, including retreats, supported councils, adventures, workshops, gatherings, and ceremonies. Their Herbal Apprenticeship Program is offered annually over 6 weekends between May & October. This program offers an in-depth foundation for the life-long journey of becoming a practitioner of herbal medicine. They also offer half-day and full-day workshops that provide informative and fun-filled learning in an aspect of herbal medicine.
301 Brink Road, Van Etten http://www.heart-stone.com (607) 589-4619 info@heart-stone.comHistory Center of Tompkins County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/history-center-of-tompkins-countyThe History Center of Tompkins County helps people use the tools of history to understand the past, gain perspective on the present, and play an informed role in shaping the future.
110 North Tioga Street, Ithaca http://www.thehistorycenter.net/ (607) 273-8284 education@thehistorycenter.netHoneoye Valley Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/honeoye-valley-associationThe Honeoye Valley Association is a not-for-profit volunteer organization that works in a variety of ways to protect and preserve the environmental quality of the Honeoye Lake watershed. Activities include communicating with governmental agencies and political representatives, educational outreach, monitoring of the lake ecosystem, and acting as a clearinghouse for information related to these activities.
Honeoye, NY 14471 https://hvaweb.org honeoyecontact@gmail.comIbero-American Action League
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ibero-american-action-leagueIbero is a dual language agency that uplifts, empowers, and advocates for Latinos and the underserved in Rochester – including children, youth, and the elderly – through an array of social services and community education programs.
124 Evergreen St, Rochester https://www.ibero.org/ (585) 256-8900 information@iaal.orgIDEA Collective
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/idea-collectiveIDEA (Innovation. Design. Education. Art.) Collective is a sustainable toy company and mobile art classroom that connects kids with nature through hands-on activities and STEAM education.Their eco-friendly craft and garden kits bring fun, STEAM-based learning to homes, while helping families and educators provide meaningful experiences to children. Participants learn about important environmental topics while exercising hand skills, connecting with nature, and creating fun memories through art. Their in-person craft workshops engage students in entertaining hands-on activities that integrate art with environmental education to empower the next generation of creative Earth stewards.
2725 Bellis Hill Rd, Dundee https://www.ideacollectivelearning.com/ (845) 235-2655 ideacollectivelearning@gmail.comIndependent Science News
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/independent-science-newsScientific inventions and ideas shape the future. As science becomes ever more beset by commercial and ideological pressures, there is urgent need for scientific reporting and analysis from an independent, expert, public interest perspective. With this standard, Independent Science News works to shape a future that is biodiverse, just, and healthy for everyone.
Ithaca, NY 14850 https://www.independentsciencenews.org/ (607) 319-0279 info@independentsciencenews.orgIthaca Children's Garden
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ithaca-childrens-gardenIthaca Children's Garden (ICG) is both a place and a program, located on the Cayuga Waterfront Trail, minutes from downtown Ithaca. ICG has spent over a decade building a three-acre public children's garden as well as developing, implementing, and evaluating a wide range of educational programs for children, teens, families, schools, and the community. Year-round, they offer camps, events, drop-in programs, school programs and workshops. At ICG, research and play-based environmental education is central to all programming. Whether it's summer camp activities, free play, or a celebration, the Garden strives to emphasize a connection to nature and the learning opportunities it provides to us all.
121 Turtle Lane, Ithaca http://www.ithacachildrensgarden.org (607) 319-4203 info@ithacachildrensgarden.orgIthaca Freeskool
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ithaca-freeskoolThe Ithaca Freeskool is a platform for free classes, discussion groups, skill shares, projects, and events hosted in a non-intimidating, informal, radical, creative, and fun environment. The Freeskool aims to bring people together to equalize the distribution of knowledge and confidence with an emphasis on skills and issues of local importance.
Ithaca, NY 14850 https://ithacafreeskool.wordpress.com/ freeskoolithaca@gmail.comIthaca Generator
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ithaca-generatorIthaca Generator provides public access to 21st century tools and technologies like 3D printers, laser cutters, and microcontrollers. They make these tools available through affordable membership and through educational partnerships. By making these technologies accessible, they aim to transform the public’s conception of themselves from passive consumers to active designers, inventors, and innovators.
116 W Green St, Ithaca http://www.ithacagenerator.org (607) 269-7436 info@ithacagenerator.orgIthaca Welcomes Refugees
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ithaca-welcomes-refugeesIthaca Welcomes Refugees (IWR) is a volunteer-led community initiative that fosters a welcoming and fair environment for refugees and at-risk immigrants who come to the region. IWR provides a variety of resources and support services, the Global Roots Play School that offers affordable, accessible childcare to parents eager to learn English, and Response Projects focused on responding to the specialized needs of both newly arrived refugee families and at-risk immigrants who have lived in the Ithaca area for a longer period.
315 North Cayuga Street, Ithaca http://ithacawelcomesrefugees.org/ (607) 288-2984 ithacawelcomesrefugees@gmail.comIzzy's Closet
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/izzys-closetFrom pencils to pants, providing what kids need to succeed. Izzy’s Closet Inc. a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to ensure that all elementary school students have the basic school supplies, books and clothing for them to succeed in school. The Izzy Adventure books began in 2013 as a children’s literacy service project by the Rotary Club of Groton New York. Izzy’s Closet is a cupboard, closet or location at an Elementary school filled with supplies. If you would like to learn how you could establish an Izzy’s Closet in your community please contact janet@izzyscloset.org
210 Elm Street, Groton http://izzyscloset.org/ (607) 898-4994 janet@izzyscloset.orgJillian's Drawers
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/jillians-drawersJillian's Drawers is a small, mom-owned, natural parenting store carrying high quality toys, baby carriers, shoes, breastfeeding products, nursing tops, and cloth diapers. They look for products that are safe, effective, environmentally-friendly, and use conscientious manufacturing. They buy and sell a variety of gently used products, and offer a cloth diaper laundry service in the Ithaca and Trumansburg areas.
609 West Clinton Street, Ithaca https://jilliansdrawers.com/ (607) 272-1237 orders@jilliansdrawers.comLagom Landing
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/lagom-landingLagom Landing is a nonprofit residential program providing 18-25 year olds a unique opportunity to build a foundation for the rest of their lives. They encourage students to discover their passions and gifts while teaching them skills that will benefit them no matter what direction they go. Carpentry, gardening, cooking, forestry, and other hands-on trades are the “tools” that students use to free up their minds and gain focus for their next step in life. Students spend time in nature while also living and working closely with mentors who inspire and motivate them to “land” into discovering who they are, not just what they will do.
7966 Reeds Corners Road, Dansville https://lagomlanding.com/ (585) 727-1687 lagomlanding@gmail.comLeague of Women Voters - Broome and Tioga Counties
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/league-of-women-voters---broome-and-tioga-countiesThe League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. They never support or oppose any political party or candidate.
Vestal, NY http://www.lwv-broometioga.org/ (607) 834-0127 lwvbroometioga@gmail.comLeague of Women Voters - Rochester Metropolitan Area
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/league-of-women-voters---rochester-metropolitan-areaThe League is a nonpartisan, political organization which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League is NOT limited to women — men can join in the fight as well.
Rochester, NY 14623 http://www.lwv-rma.org/ (585) 262-3730 info@lwv-rma.orgLeague of Women Voters - Syracuse Metropolitan Area
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/league-of-women-voters---syracuse-metropolitan-areaThe League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed and active participation of citizens in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. It never supports or opposes any political party or candidate.
Syracuse, NY http://lwvsyr.org/ (315) 396-8225 lwvsyr@gmail.comLeague of Women Voters - Tompkins County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/league-of-women-voters---tompkins-countyThe League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Any person of voting age, male or female, may become a League member.
Ithaca, NY http://www.lwvtompkins.org/ lwvtompkins@gmail.comLime Hollow Nature Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/lime-hollow-nature-centerSince 1993, Lime Hollow has offered the region the path less traveled and captured the hearts of both young and old. The Center encompasses nearly 447 acres of beautiful rolling hills and shallow glacial valleys (kame-and-kettle topography), forests, fields, streams, numerous ponds, including many marl ponds and vernal (seasonal) pools, a peat bog, and a great diversity of flora and fauna. Located on the border between Cortland and Tompkins Counties, in beautiful upstate New York, they offer over 12 miles of open-to-the-public, entrance-fee free trails, public nature programs, and adventure day camps for youth.
338 McLean Road, Cortland http://www.limehollow.org/ (607) 662-4632 info@limehollow.orgLuna Fiber Studio
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/luna-fiber-studioLuna is a fully equipped weaving studio and all inclusive textile studio, offering a wide range of classes and workshops.
27 West Main Street, Dryden http://www.lunafiberstudio.com/ lunafiberstudio@gmail.comMacDaniels Nut Grove
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/macdaniels-nut-groveThe MacDaniels Nut Grove is a forest farming and agroforestry research and education center located in the Cornell Plantations Upper Cascadilla Natural Area. The 5-acre site, just east of CU Orchards, was originally planted in the 1930s by pioneering horticulturist Dr. MacDaniels.
Ithaca, NY 14850 http://blogs.cornell.edu/mushrooms/nutgrove (607) 264-6235 sfg53@cornell.eduMain Street Farms
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/main-street-farmsMain Street Farms offers many benefits to their CSA members, including convenient pick-up locations, an office delivery option, different size options, weekly newsletters that show each week’s veggies with helpful tips and recipes, and a personal connection directly from farmers to the community. They do not use any chemical pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizer, and they cover crop fields to build the soil and prevent erosion. They also provide educational programs that we provide free of charge. By joining the CSA, you help them keep the programs running, and help kids eat their veggies.
3320 State Route 215, Cortland https://mainstreetfarms.com/ (607) 218-2101 help@mainstreetfarms.comMargie's Green Home Consulting
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/margies-green-home-consultingMargie offers comprehensive Green Home Makeovers, answers your questions on saving water and energy and more! She can email Green Guides to those who share their email addresses with her.
North Winton Village, Rochester https://www.facebook.com/Margies-Green-Home-Consulting-152068008271 (585) 288-2224 mcampaigne@hotmail.comMarshy Garden at The Soil Factory
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/marshy-garden-at-the-soil-factoryThe Marshy Garden project is a living, restorative and scalable artform. Through cooperative design vision and native plant installation, what was once a monoculture turf lawn and debris dumping ground, is now transforming into an ecological oasis and experimental site for local restoration. Through community events, they help to inspire other people in regenerating their own land and spaces by demonstrating the process of how to plant and support native species, construct brush piles, and reduce their need for mechanized equipment for maintenance. The Marshy Garden is a project of The Soil Factory, an experimental space organized by WeaveCommunity to explore interactions between social, arts, and scientific networks.
142 Ithaca Beer Drive, Ithaca https://www.thesoilfactory.org/the-marshy-garden/ info@weavecommunity.comMove to Amend - Ithaca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/move-to-amend---ithacaFormed in September 2009, Move to Amend is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and hundreds of thousands of individuals committed to social and economic justice, ending corporate rule, and building a vibrant democracy that is genuinely accountable to the people, not corporate interests.
511 N Albany St, Ithaca https://www.movetoamend.org/ (607) 241-3685 info@ithacamovetoamend.orgMuller Field Station at Finger Lakes Community College
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/muller-field-station-at-finger-lakes-community-collegeLocated near the southern end of Honeoye Lake, the Muller Field Station provides field-based education for academic programs, laboratory experiences, community outreach, and the opportunity to participate in or observe local research projects. College and university students, local K-12 students and their teachers, community members, environmental organizations and agencies are all welcome visitors to the Station. Research programs and activities include wildlife management and monitoring, water quality sampling, regional biodiversity assessment, public lectures, workshops, and special events.
6455 County Road 36, Honeoye https://www.flcc.edu/muller/ (585) 785-1254 John.VanNiel@flcc.eduMulticultural Resource Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/multicultural-resource-centerAlthough they are a small organization, they have deep community impact! MRC has been dedicated to building community through cultural and political education, antiracism organizing, and cross-cultural movement building!
516 East Martin Luther King Jr. Street, Ithaca http://multiculturalresourcecenter.org/contact/ (607) 262-9618 coordinator@multiculturalresourcecenter.orgMuseum of The Earth (Paleontological Research Institution)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/museum-of-the-earth-(paleontological-research-institution)The Paleontological Research institution's Museum of the Earth was established in 2003 to provide the general public with a unique opportunity to explore our world through a mix of natural history displays, interactive science features, and art exhibitions. The museum’s 8,000-square-foot permanent exhibition takes visitors on a journey through 4.5 billion years of history, from the Earth’s origin to the present day. Through hands-on, visual exhibitions and outreach, the Museum of the Earth encourages critical thinking about life on Earth in the past and today, and how our species is affecting the natural world.
1259 Trumansburg Rd, Ithaca http://www.priweb.org (607) 273-6623 marketing@priweb.orgNatural Leaders Initiative
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/natural-leaders-initiativeThe Natural Leaders Initiative (NLI) is based on the belief that building strong, inclusive, equitable and sustainable communities requires widespread civic participation, with diverse community leadership. The organization works to support, catalyze and accelerate the growth of natural leaders, and assist people to organize within and beyond their own networks, and to take collective action for systemic change.
615 Willow Ave, Ithaca http://ccetompkins.org/community/natural-leaders-initiative (607) 272-2292 mjh17@cornell.eduNeighbors of the Onondaga Nation
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/neighbors-of-the-onondaga-nationNeighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON) is a grassroots organization of Central New Yorkers which recognizes and supports the sovereignty of the traditional government of the Onondaga Nation. A program of the Syracuse Peace Council, NOON supports the right of native peoples to reclaim land, and advocates for fair settlement of any claims which are filed.
2013 E Genesee St, Syracuse http://www.peacecouncil.net/noon (315) 472-5478 carol@peacecouncil.netNetwork for a Sustainable Tomorrow
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/network-for-a-sustainable-tomorrowThe Network for a Sustainable Tomorrow, formally the Binghamton Regional Sustainability Coalition, seeks to build a sustainable community through education and collaboration to generate partnerships and civic participation to achieve enduring social, environmental, and economic well-being. Their new name reflects the wider geographic scope of their work, which includes Broome, Tioga, Chenango, Delaware and Otsego Counties
30 Main St, Binghamton https://www.facebook.com/NetworkforaSustainableTomorrow (607) 873-9220 info@nynest.orgNewfield Public Library
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/newfield-public-libraryThe Newfield Public Library provides a comprehensive collection of materials and services to meet the informational and recreational reading needs of a growing, changing community.
198 Main Street, Newfield http://newfieldpubliclibrary.org (607) 564-3594 newfieldlibrary@gmail.comNew Roots Charter School
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-roots-charter-schoolNew Roots Charter School, founded in 2009, is a regional, tuition-free public high school located in downtown Ithaca, NY. They serve students in grades 9 through 12 (ages 13 to 21) from 20 area school districts. They prepare their diverse student body to meet the challenges of citizenship, work, and life-long learning in the 21st century. They have an interdisciplinary academic program which features hands-on, community-based learning that supports students in solving real-world problems. Their school community offers a model of secondary education that integrates best practices in sustainability education with those proven to support educational equity.
116 North Cayuga Street, Ithaca http://www.newrootsschool.org/ (607) 882-9220 principal@newrootsschool.orgNew York Climate Change Science Clearinghouse
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-climate-change-science-clearinghouseThe NYCCSC provides access to resources relevant to mitigation of, adaptation to, and building resiliency for climate change in New York State. This includes information about greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric concentrations, projected temperature and precipitation changes, climate effects such as sea level rise and extreme weather events, and more. It also catalogs specific vulnerabilities, risks, and strategies for and across sectors, including agriculture, water resources, coastal zones, ecosystems, buildings, transportation, telecommunications, energy, and public health. The NYCCSC welcomes policymakers, analysts, scientists, planners, businesses, and the general public to the site; however, the primary intended audiences are local planners and decision-makers and those who support their work.
Ithaca, NY https://www.nyclimatescience.org/ (607) 273-6623 info@nyclimatescience.orgNew York Progressive Action Network of the Southern Finger Lakes
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-progressive-action-network-of-the-southern-finger-lakesNYPAN-SFL is a grassroots organization dedicated to the promotion of progressive issues at the local level. They are inspired by the political movement started by Senator Bernie Sanders but are open to participation from all progressives regardless of their political-party affiliation. Their leadership members meet regularly to plan activities (including public outreach and education around the issues), to build networks, and to recruit and support candidates for public office. They are a chapter of the statewide umbrella group New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN).
10532 NY-54, Hammondsport https://nypansfl.org/ (607) 738-8369 nypan.sfl@gmail.comNew York Small Scale Food Processors Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-small-scale-food-processors-associationThe New York Small Scale Food Processers Association is a 501(c)6 trade organization that supports and informs small-scale food processors through education, mentoring, marketing, connecting industry professionals, and providing resources to manage the challenges faced by processors in establishing and growing their food business. They provide access to new regulatory information, mentors for startups, member Information, technical Information and assistance.
Rochester, NY http://nyssfpa.com/contacts.php info@nyssfpa.comNew York State Pollution Prevention Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-state-pollution-prevention-instituteThe New York State Pollution Prevention Institute is a collaboration of five research universities and manufacturing extension partnerships across New York State.They give businesses, communities, and nonprofits practical tools and solutions to realize the benefits of sustainability for the economy, environment, and society. Their clients receive the expertise and resources needed to achieve outcomes including more efficient use of energy, raw materials, and water, optimized manufacturing processes that generate more business value, elimination of hazardous materials for safer workplaces and communities, and competitive market positioning as part of the green economy and in support of a commitment to environmental stewardship.
111 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester https://www.rit.edu/affiliate/nysp2i/about-nysp2i (585) 475-2511 nysp2i@rit.eduNew York State Water Resources Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-state-water-resources-instituteThe mission of the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) is to improve the management of water resources in New York State and the nation. As a federally and state-mandated institution located at Cornell University, they are uniquely situated to access scientific and technical resources that are relevant to New York State's and the nation's water management needs. They collaborate with regional, state, and national partners to increase awareness of emerging water resources issues and to develop and assess new water management technologies and policies. WRI connects the water research and water management communities.
Riley Robb Hall, Wing Drive https://wri.cals.cornell.edu/ (607) 254-7163 nyswri@cornell.eduNew York Water Environment Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/new-york-water-environment-associationNYWEA is a non-profit educational organization that promotes sustainable clean water quality management through science, education and training. The Association has seven local chapters which meet regularly, elect chapter officers and conduct both technical and social programs. There are 2,500 members representing diverse backgrounds and specialties, but all are concerned and involved with protecting and enhancing precious water resources.
525 Plum Street, Syracuse http://www.nywea.org (315) 422-7811 info@nywea.orgNortheast Beginning Farmer Project
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/northeast-beginning-farmer-projectThe Northeast Beginning Farmer Project was founded by a team of educators who care deeply about supporting the success of new farmers. They are housed at the Cornell Small Farms Program. They also offer online courses taught by experienced Extension educators and using content from the website, and develop new informational resources for new farmers. When they initiated this beginning farmer work in 2006, they focused exclusively in NY, but now they are building connections among the many excellent organizations serving beginning farmers across the Northeast region.
Plant Science Bldg, Ithaca https://smallfarms.cornell.edu/projects/beginning-farmer/ (607) 272-2292 gs695@cornell.eduNortheast Organic Farming Association of New York
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/northeast-organic-farming-association-of-new-yorkNOFA-NY is an organization of farmers, gardeners, and consumers working together to create a sustainable regional food system that's ecologically sound and economically viable. Through demonstration and education, they promote land stewardship, organic food production, and local marketing. They bring consumer and farmer together to make high quality food available to all people. Their certification branch, NOFA-NY Certified Organic, LLC, has been accredited by the USDA National Organic Program since 2002. They operate the largest organic certification agency in New York State and certify in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. In 2015, a 100% grass fed certification also became available to certified organic operations.
1010 James Street, Syracuse https://www.nofany.org/ (315) 988-4000 info@nofany.orgNortheast School of Botanical Medicine
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/northeast-school-of-botanical-medicineThe Northeast School of Botanical Medicine is An herbal school focusing on clinical skills, botany, medicine preparation, first aid and accessible herbal medicine. The school offers two programs and a traditional styled herbal apprenticeship to help students gain a comprehensive understanding of the clinical application of herbal medicine along with an informed respect of the plants vital to this medicine.
Ithaca, NY 14850 http://www.7song.com (607) 539-7172 7Songsevensong@gmail.comNY Organic Dairy Initiative
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ny-organic-dairy-initiativeThe New York Organic Dairy Program, through its connection with Cornell’s School of Agriculture and Life Science and Cornell Cooperative Extension, provides information to all parts of the organic dairy industry, including: the consumer, dairy retailer, dairy processor, organic certifier, and farmers. The information provided on these Web Pages will enable New York State to grow this new dairy industry into a viable farming style that responds to the needs of its consumers, its environment, and its farmers.
60 Central Ave, Cortland http://blogs.cornell.edu/organicdairyinitiative/ (607) 391-2660 afb3@cornell.eduOnondaga Earth Corps
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/onondaga-earth-corpsOnondaga Earth Corps brings youth to the forefront of creating livable, sustainable communities through service, social enterprise and outreach. OEC crew members participate in urban forestry projects, stormwater management projects, private property management, neighborhood and park beautification projects, community environmental education and outreach.
100 New Street, Syracuse http://www.onondagaearthcorps.org/ (315) 565-3797 info@onondagaearthcorps.orgOnondaga Environmental Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/onondaga-environmental-instituteOEI conducts research to progress the understanding of ecosystems, human interactions with the environment and the effects thereupon. They also perform outreach and education to develop an informed public, promote environmental ethics and build an environmentally conscious citizenry. OEI engages in proper planning to empower the public, community stakeholders, and interested parties to participate in decision-making processes and works for ecological restoration to improve economic, social and environmental conditions.
5795 Widewaters Parkway, Syracuse http://www.oei2.org/ (315) 472-2150 outreach@oei2.orgOpen Doors English
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/open-doors-englishOpen Doors English (ODE) provides affordable, comprehensive English as a Second Language classes for adults, to empower students to live fuller lives, and to build richer community connections. ODE partners with other organizations to provide workshops, classes and field trips to students on subjects ranging from cooking and gardening to understanding legal rights, and hosts free community events.
315 North Cayuga Street, Ithaca http://opendoorsenglish.org (607) 319-5051 hboyer.ode@gmail.comOwasco Watershed Lake Association (OWLA)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/owasco-watershed-lake-association-(owla)OWLA is a citizen-based association that promotes cooperation and leadership in the comprehensive management of land use, water quality, recreation, agriculture and a host of other issues as they pertain to Owasco Lake and its watershed. Owasco Watershed Lake Association (OWLA) is a 501 C-3 not-for-profit corporation founded to educate the public on the environmental management, preservation, wise use, and appreciation of Owasco Lake and its watershed.
Auburn, NY https://owla.org/ (315) 283-9426 info@owla.orgPenn Yan Community Garden
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/penn-yan-community-gardenPenn Yan Community Garden, Inc. is a not-for-profit, member-based organization, serving the residents of Penn Yan and surrounding communities. Their mission is to improve access to garden space and nutritious, affordable, local food in Penn Yan, to provide gardening and environmental education for kids and adults, and to promote cooperation, self-sufficiency, and personal empowerment in a greener and more beautiful community.
Penn Yan, NY https://pygarden.blogspot.com/ (315) 719-2390 pygarden@yahoo.comPeople for a Healthy Environment
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/people-for-a-healthy-environmentPeople for a Healthy Environment is a grassroots organization based in Chemung County, NY dedicated to informing and inspiring others to protect and care for the environment,, so that all can live healthy lives. Initiatives include public info sessions
Horseheads, NY https://www.pheinc1.org/ (607) 738-8369 info@pheinc1.orgPrimitive Pursuits
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/primitive-pursuitsPrimitive Pursuits of Ithaca, NY is a renowned outdoor youth development program in partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension and 4-H Youth Development. They offer nature-based skills and experiences that foster youth development and connections with nature. Their programs utilize time-honored mentoring techniques and outdoor immersion curriculum. By learning and teaching wilderness living skills in small groups, locally, they create unique experiences of wilderness adventure and community building in a format that is inclusive for families of all income levels.
615 Willow Ave, Ithaca http://primitivepursuits.com (607) 272-2292 primitivepursuits-opportunities@cornell.eduProject Look Sharp
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/project-look-sharpProject Look Sharp is a media literacy initiative of Ithaca College that develops and provides lesson plans, media materials, training, and support for the effective integration of media literacy with critical thinking into classroom curricula at all education levels, including integration with the new common core standards.
Williams Hall, Ithaca http://www.ithaca.edu/looksharp/ (607) 274-3471 looksharp@ithaca.eduRochester Ecology Partners
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rochester-ecology-partnersRochester Ecology Partners works in Greater Rochester to improve individual, community, and environmental well-being and connectedness through nature based learning programs and community activities.
18 Bly Street, Rochester https://rochesterecologypartners.org/ (607) 316-191 contact@rochesterecologypartners.orgRochester Environment
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rochester-environmentRochesterEnvironment.com is an online daily chronicle of environmental news and issues in the Rochester area since 1998. Its archives document many changes, including our steady rise in awareness of climate change. Its features include a calendar, resources, newsletter and updates on all environmental issues and events in Rochester.
Cumberland St, Rochester http://RochesterEnvironment.com frankregan@rochesterenvironment.comRochester Workers' Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rochester-workers-centerRochester Workers' Center is a community-based, democratic, worker organization, a place where communities join together to defend their rights and build relationships. Their aim is to educate, empower, and unite.
150 South Clinton Avenue, Rochester https://workerscny.org/en/tag/rochester/ rocrapidresponse@gmail.comRootwork Herbals
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/rootwork-herbalsRootwork Herbals seeks to serve the community through herbal education, consultations and handcrafted remedies that are high quality and accessible to all. They strive to inspire and empower people to take back responsibility for their health utilizing plant medicine in a way that is bioregional, regenerative and joyful. Rootwork Herbals includes BIPOC community care clinic We Care for Us; educational offerings such as the People’s Medicine School and Woke Without the Work; a BIPOC community garden; and the facilitation of BIPOC sanctuaries at various herb/agriculture conferences. Funds are also raised through the People’s Medicine Reclamation Fund to ensure that BIPOC folks have access to opportunities to reclaim healing through herbalism.
Brooktondale, NY https://www.rootworkherbals.com (607) 592-0196 info@rootworkherbals.comSafe Harbors of the Finger Lakes
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/safe-harbors-of-the-finger-lakesThe Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes' mission is to provide reliable information, support, referrals, and advocacy for individuals, children, families, and communities impacted by sexual and interpersonal violence. They offer services throughout Ontario, Seneca, and Yates Counties at no charge.
Penn Yan, NY http://shflny.org (315) 536-9654Salt City Harvest Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/salt-city-harvest-farmSalt City Harvest Farm grows food, culture, and community alongside New Americans in Syracuse Northside through a cross-cultural exchange of food traditions with access to farmland, education, and economic opportunities. They run a community farm, incubator farm, apple orchard and vineyard.
449 Fyler Road, Kirkville https://saltcityharvest.farm/ info@saltcityharvest.farmSave the Rain
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/save-the-rainSave the Rain is Onondaga County’s award-winning initiative to improve the water quality of Onondaga Lake and its tributaries, which started as a comprehensive stormwater management plan intended to reduce the amount of pollution that flows into Onondaga Lake and its tributaries. Their programs include rain barrel distribution, tree planting, in-classroom education partnerships with Onondaga County schools, and the Green Improvement Fund to support the development of green infrastructure and stormwater mitigation techniques on private property.
650 Hiawatha Boulevard West, Syracuse https://savetherain.us/ (315) 435-2260Sciencenter
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sciencenterThe Sciencenter, a non-profit hands-on science museum in Ithaca, New York, grew out of a volunteer-run science program at a local elementary school.Today, the Sciencenter is a nationally recognized museum, hosting 100,000 guests in Ithaca each year and reaching over 1.5 million guests worldwide through traveling exhibitions and outreach programs. Their mission is to inspire excitement for science through interactive exhibits and programs that engage, educate, and empower.
601 1st Street, Ithaca http://www.sciencenter.org/ (607) 272-0600 info@sciencenter.orgSeneca Lake Guardian, a Waterkeeper Alliance Affiliate
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/seneca-lake-guardian,-a-waterkeeper-alliance-affiliateSeneca Lake Guardian is an all-volunteer, grassroots organization whose mission is to preserve and protect the region's air and water from irresponsible industry or development and to ensure that the waters of the Finger Lakes are swimmable, drinkable and fishable for generations to come.
Watkins Glen, NY http://senecalakeguardian.org senecalakeguardian@gmail.comSeneca Towns Engaging People for Solutions (STEPS)
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/seneca-towns-engaging-people-for-solutions-(steps)STEPS is a neighborhood health improvement initiative for Seneca County's four southern towns of Covert, Lodi, Ovid, and Romulus. Using S2AY Rural Health Network funding from the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, they are assessing community assets to improve the health of all residents by increasing economic and educational opportunities, environmental stewardship, and greater social connectedness and physical activity. Their projects are resident-driven and include the Ovid Community Garden, Cooking Classes for healthier living, Community Book Boxes, programs for the youth in the area as well as Community Collectives which connect volunteers to community organizations that need help. Everyone who lives, learns, works or plays in the towns of Covert, Lodi, Ovid or Romulus are part of STEPS.
7150 Main Street, Ovid http://www.senecasteps.org/ (607) 403-0069 stepscommunity@s2aynetwork.orgSewGreen
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sewgreenSewGreen operates a reuse store for unwanted sewing textiles, yarn, needlecraft supplies, and sewing machines. All of the merchandise is donated by community members, saving about 22 tons of materials from going to landfills every year. Store proceeds help support apprenticeships and meaningful jobs for young people, summer camps for kids, and sewing classes for all ages. SewGreen is a not-for-profit program of Sustainable Tompkins.
114 N Cayuga St, Ithaca http://www.sewgreen.org/ (607) 319-4106 ithacasews@gmail.comShimmering Light Farm & Renewal Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/shimmering-light-farm-renewal-centerShimmering Light is a community supported farm and education center in South Bristol, NY dedicated to inspiring more conscious and regenerative ways of life. Through the farm, retreats, workshops and collaborative learning experiences, Shimmering Light cultivates connection with the Earth, each other and our own true nature.
6143 Hicks Road, Naples http://www.shimmeringlight.info (585) 394-7610 info@shimmeringlight.infoSkaneateles Lake Association
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/skaneateles-lake-associationThe Skaneateles Lake Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of the Skaneateles Lake watershed from pollution and invasive species though public education, coordinated monitoring and clean-up efforts, and cooperation with local governments to ensure that regulations and comprehensive watershed management plans reflect current science and the potential impact of current threats and that the management of the watershed remains vigilant. Skaneateles Lake is one of the cleanest lakes in the country and provides drinking water to the City of Syracuse.
Skaneateles, NY https://skaneateleslake.org (315) 685-9106 skanlakeassoc@att.netSouthern Tier Solar Works
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/southern-tier-solar-worksSouthern Tier Solar Works is the clean energy outreach and marketing program of the Binghamton Regional Sustainability Coalition. They work across the region to spur affordable and efficient deployment of solar, energy efficiency and other clean energy solutions by helping to inform you about technologies, policies, and incentives. They support education and training of the energy professionals needed to grow the regional clean energy economy and reap its rewards in our communities.
30 Main St, Binghamton http://SouthernTierSolarWorks.org (607) 873-9220 STSWinfo@SouthernTierSolarWorks.orgSouthside Community Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/southside-community-centerSince its incorporation in 1934, the Southside Community Center, Inc., continues to affirm, empower, and foster the development of self pride among the African-American citizens of greater Ithaca. Through forums and activities in education, recreation, political and social awareness, the Southside Community Center is a community resource center. They serve as a vehicle to develop an appreciation for the contributions and presence of those peoples of African descent in the greater Ithaca community and in the larger world community.
305 S Plain St, Ithaca https://sspride.org/ (607) 273-4190 executivedirector@sspride.orgSpices of Life Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/spices-of-life-farmSpice of Life Farm is a five acre food-forest and CSA farm nestled in the fertile Finger Lakes region of New York. They focus on wholesome clean food and medicine that is as healthy for the people as it is for the land. They are passionate about growing food and growing as human beings. That is why they offer educational programs for all ages - exciting school field-trips for the youth, college credit for university students, and classes for adults. They partner with area schools to provide an unforgettable field-trip experience in which students learn how their food is grown and are able to participate in hands-on learning.
1385 Beardsley Hollow Road, Alpine http://www.spiceoflifefarm.com (310) 367-6939 camrock79@gmail.comSustainability at Ithaca College
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sustainability-at-ithaca-collegeIthaca College views sustainability as a holistic and complex system, inclusive of human and ecological health, as well as long-term financial security. Their office focuses on supporting institution-wide, eco-centric projects initiated across the Ithaca College campus. They strive to integrate sustainability from the grassroots level into every aspect of student, faculty, and staff life, including institution, academics, culture, and operations. They put equity and justice at the center of their sustainability work and strive to incorporate this sustainability model into their vision of becoming a global destination for bold-thinkers seeking to build thriving communities.
953 Danby Rd, Ithaca http://ithaca.edu/sustainability (607) 274-3763 glischke@ithaca.eduSustainable Cortland
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/sustainable-cortlandSustainable Cortland is a community-based organization dedicated to building sustainable solutions for Cortland County by advocating for the health and well-being of the residents, environment, and local economy, educating residents on a variety of sustainability issues by hosting meetings, workshops, and events.
Cortland, NY https://sustainablecortland00.wordpress.com/ (607) 753-2253 sustainablecortland@gmail.comSyracuse United Neighbors
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/syracuse-united-neighborsSyracuse United Neighbors (SUN) is a grassroots neighborhood group that organizes residents in low income neighborhoods. They help create active knowledgeable and involved citizens that make their streets, neighborhoods and city better. Issues that they address include housing that is affordable and in decent condition, equal access to quality public services, and environmental justice for all neighborhoods.
1540 South Salina Street, Syracuse https://sunaction.wordpress.com/ (315) 476-7475 sun@sunaction.orgTC3 Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tc3-farmCSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is a shared connection between a farmer and the folks who eat the food the farmer grows. The Sustainable Farming and Food Systems Program emphasizes the practical skills it takes to manage a small, diverse farm, while providing students with a broad exposure to the social and ecological considerations of truly sustainable food production and distribution.
100 Cortland Road, Dryden http://www.tc3farm.com (607) 229-4195 tm1@tompkinscortland.eduThe Permaculture Park
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/the-permaculture-parkThe Permaculture Park, a city park in downtown Ithaca, is a demonstration site for permaculture techniques and edible plants, both familiar and unusual. Community volunteers, led by staff from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, have been maintaining the Permaculture Park since 2013.
Conley Park, Ithaca https://www.facebook.com/Permaculture-Park-for-Ithaca-560861567288075/ (607) 280-8498 sapsquatch7@gmail.comTompkins Community Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-community-actionSince 1966, Tompkins Community Action, a private not-for-profit charitable organization has implemented programs that today partner with more than 6,000 individuals and families in Tompkins County. TCAction partners with low-income households and individuals as they develop to their full potential. They perform weatherization, home performance, building energy solutions, and home energy audits.
701 Spencer Rd, Ithaca http://www.tcaction.org/ (607) 273-8816 INFO@tcactionweb.orgTompkins County Business Energy Advisors Program
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-county-business-energy-advisors-programThe Tompkins County Business Energy Advisors Program assists business owners and facility managers in understanding energy options and setting energy goals for their building projects.
121 East Court Street, Ithaca https://tompkinscountyny.gov/bea (607) 274-5560Tompkins County Public Library
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-county-public-libraryThe Tompkins County Public Library (TCPL) is the public library for residents of Tompkins County. TCPL hosts nearly one million visitors each year, making it the single, largest driver of traffic to downtown Ithaca. The library provides access to digital resources, including wireless internet access, databases and eBooks, as well as an extensive print collection. It also serves as the cultural hub of Tompkins County, providing museum quality art exhibits, opportunities for civic engagement and programs for children, teens and adults.
101 E Green St, Ithaca http://tcpl.org (607) 272-4557 askalibrarian@tcpl.orgTown of Ithaca Conservation Board
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/town-of-ithaca-conservation-boardThe Town of Ithaca Conservation Board is a volunteer group of Town of Ithaca residents working towards the preservation and protection of the Town's natural and scenic resources, acting in an advisory capacity to the other Town Boards on environmental matters. Issues they address include invasive species management and education, land conservation, waste reduction, and sustainable development.
215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca http://www.town.ithaca.ny.us/conservation-board (600) 727-3174 msmith@town.ithaca.ny.usUpper Susquehanna Coalition
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/upper-susquehanna-coalitionThe Upper Susquehanna Coalition's mission is to protect and improve water quality and natural resources in the Upper Susquehanna River Basin with the involvement of citizens and agencies through planning, education, coordination, funding, project implementation and advocating for water resources. They strive to do so through a team approach, with teams focused on key watershed-wide efforts working independently and collaboratively.
183 Corporate Drive, Owego http://www.uppersusquehanna.org/usc/ (607) 972-2348 wwalsh@u-s-c.orgVillage at Ithaca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/village-at-ithacaThe Village at Ithaca is both a non-profit organization and a diverse network of community members. These include parents/caregivers, students, educators, other non-profit organizations, local businesses, the faith community, civic organizations and various others committed to supporting the educational hopes, dreams and aspirations of children and families in their local “village.”
401 West Seneca Street, Ithaca http://www.villageatithaca.org/ (607) 256-0780 contact@villageatithaca.orgWaterman Conservation Education Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/waterman-conservation-education-centerThe mission of Waterman Conservation Education Center is to promote conservation education and environmental literacy. They serve their members, the citizens of the Twin Tiers of New York State and Pennsylvania and all visitors to their wildlife refuge system. They also have special events, annual education programming, Summer Camps, Nature Camps, and specialized school programs.
403 Hilton Road, Apalachin https://www.watermancenter.org/ (607) 625-2221 info@watermancenter.orgWayne County Soil and Water Conservation District
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wayne-county-soil-and-water-conservation-districtThe Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District serves as a local agency prepared to manage and conserve the soil, water and natural resources of Wayne County. Since 1944, the District has developed programs related to the needs of Wayne County and follows a mission and a vision to help the community thrive from care of the natural resources available to its residents.
7312 Rte 31, Lyons https://waynecountynysoilandwater.org (315) 946-7200Wellspring Forest Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wellspring-forest-farmA permaculture and agroforestry inspired farm and homestead producing mushrooms, maple syrup, duck eggs, pastured lamb, homestead produce, with rainwater catchment, swales, and educational programs for adults and children.
6164 Deer Run Lane, Trumansburg http://www.WellspringForestFarm.com (607) 342-2825 stevegabrielfarmer@gmail.comWildmoon Homesteading
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wildmoon-homesteadingWildmoon Homestading focuses on growing food organically. They offer heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables, as well as classes for women in growing, storing, cooking, seedsaving, naturalists skills, survival skills, and shiitake growing.
529 Prospect Valley Road, Willseyville http://wildmoonhomesteading.com (607) 659-5995 wildmoonhomesteading@gmail.comWild Nectar Mead
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wild-nectar-meadWild Nectar Mead is a farm meadery inspiring a new mead and jun culture using reverse osmosis water, local honey, herbs, berries, fruits, and other ingredients. They now bottle and keg mead for the public to purchase in local stores and on their website. The farm is powered by solar power on sunny days, and it offers pollinator-friendly plant species, and access to cutting-edge pollinator research and education through their website. Joining the Mead Culture Club allows members to help revive healthy honey bee populations by attending special tasting events, live music, dancing, farm tours, and mead games. Plus, Club members get discounts. They now bottle and keg mead for the public to purchase in local stores and on their website. In addition, Wild Nectar Mead offers mobile event services for weddings and special parties, and upon request, you could have David play the bagpipes at your party.
1853 Black Rock Road, King Ferry https://www.wildnectarmead.com/ (315) 237-9029 info@wildnectarmead.comWild Things Sanctuary
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/wild-things-sanctuaryWild Things Sanctuary (WTS) is dedicated to helping native wildlife through rescuing and rehabilitating debilitated and orphaned/displaced animals until they are ready for release back into the wild. Eventually, WTS is also hoping to provide a sanctuary for non-releasable native animals. WTS is also committed to improving the well-being of wildlife through public education; focusing on how humans can safely and peacefully coexist with native wildlife, and on wildlife’s importance to man and the environment. Since 2012, WTS has specialized in caring for native bats, a group of animals that is incredibly beneficial to humans, and in desperate need of advocates and care as numbers continue to decline due to White-nose Syndrome and human ignorance.
Ithaca, NY http://www.wildthingssanctuary.org/ (607) 200-4100 wildthingssanctuary@gmail.comWords Into Deeds
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/words-into-deedsWords Into Deeds brings cutting edge methods, and resources designed to promote greater youth awareness of and engagement in local and global human rights issues, helping them develop skills and confidence as informed, empowered, active citizens through the use of workshops, seminars, individual consulting, access to global platforms, and classroom activities.
211 West Remington Road, Ithaca http://www.wordsintodeeds.org/ (607) 882-0589 gertrude.noden@gmail.comYouth Farm Project
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/youth-farm-projectTheir Youth Farm Project's mission is to empower youth from diverse social and economic backgrounds as integral participants in building equitable local food communities. Their activities include a Teen Summer Program teaching a variety of land-based skills and topics, a Social Justice Immersion after-school program, and a community u-pick garden of vegetables, herbs, and flowers available to local low-income and BIPOC folks. They grow organic vegetables and herbs, raise chickens and sheep, sell their produce to the Ithaca City School District and at a mobile farm stand frequenting locations in Ithaca, and donate food to local food relief organizations.
23 Nelson Road, Ithaca http://www.youthfarmproject.org/ (607) 277-0538 youthfarmproject@gmail.com