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Citizens' Climate Lobby of Rochester
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/citizens-climate-lobby-of-rochesterCitizens’ Climate Lobby is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization laser-focused on a specific piece of legislation and a proven strategy to gain its passage. They are working for the passage of Carbon Fee and Dividend, the climate change solution economists and climate scientists alike say is the “best first-step” to preventing the worst impacts of a warming world.
Rochester, New York 14623 https://www.facebook.com/CCLrochester/ (619) 437-7142 nyrochester@citizensclimatelobby.orgClimate Change Awareness and Action
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-change-awareness-and-actionIt is imperative to increase awareness and spur action on climate change: to support fair and just public policies and legislation, to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, to support regenerative agriculture and conservation. Climate Change Awareness & Action (CCAA) was formed for the purpose of educating others and actively working towards reversing the anthropogenic climate disruption that threatens the earth. They are a local 350.org group based in Syracuse, NY. As a local group, they have access to invaluable resources, including training and networking opportunities, helpful documents for planning and education, access to discussion groups, access to early announcements for 350.org events, and more. CCAA was formed in 2015 by a group of volunteers who spent countless hours working to educate and push others to take action in the fight against climate change.
Syracuse, NY https://www.climatechange-action.com/ (315) 308-0846 cc.awareness.action@gmail.comClimate Reality Project, Finger Lakes Greater Region of NY Chapter
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/climate-reality-project,-finger-lakes-greater-region-of-ny-chapterThis chapter of The Climate Reality Project includes Binghamton, Syracuse, Ithaca, Elmira, Corning, Rochester, and areas in between. Their mission is to educate and mobilize all who reside in the region to take urgent climate action across every level of society, while ensuring that all individuals feel respected and included. Their purview includes climate mitigation, community adaptation and sustainable/regenerative development in response to the climate emergency.
1 Rocky Ln, Ithaca https://climaterealityfingerlakes.org (607) 279-3088 tjhirasuna@mac.comCornell Energy Systems Institute
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-energy-systems-instituteThe mission of the Cornell Energy Systems Institute (CESI) is to "make smart energy systems with low carbon footprint the norm through innovations in materials, technology, and systems design.” In pursuit of this mission, the institute intends to take on an ambitious agenda spanning discovery research to technology translation. The goal is to catalyze the frontier research on materials, devices, data analytics, and intelligent systems architectures required to lower cost, improve performance, and reduce the carbon footprints of energy systems. The institute also serves as a hub for subject matter experts, programs, and multi-user facilities designed to translate energy-focused research discoveries to prototypes and prototypes to commercial practice.
134 Hollister Drive 171A Kimball Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 https://energy.cornell.edu/about-us (607) 255-5003 mmp259@cornell.eduExtinction Rebellion Ithaca
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/extinction-rebellion-ithacaExtinction Rebellion is a worldwide movement to raise awareness of the ecological/climate crisis and agitate for swift and serious responses. Extinction Rebellion Ithaca, started in summer 2019, is a growing local group that is seeking to further XR’s goals locally and nationally through education, creative culture jamming and nonviolent direct action.
115 E M.L.K. Jr. St, Ithaca https://www.xrithaca.org/ xr.ithaca@protonmail.comTompkins County Clean Energy Community
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/tompkins-county-clean-energy-communityThe New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announced that Tompkins County is the first county in the Southern Tier to be designated a Clean Energy Community, recognizing its leadership in reducing energy use, cutting costs and driving clean energy in its communities. This announcement complements Southern Tier Soaring, the regional economic blueprint aimed at attracting a talented workforce, growing business and driving innovation. Communities that complete at least four of ten high impact actions and meet all eligibility requirements are both designated by New York State as a Clean Energy Community and are eligible to apply for grants to fund additional clean energy projects. As the first in its region, Tompkins County is eligible to apply for an award at the maximum funding level of $250,000 to further advance its work in reducing GHG emissions and energy use. It is the policy of Tompkins County to: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach a minimum 80 percent reduction from 2008 levels by 2050 and reduce reliance on fossil fuels across all sectors. Improve the energy efficiency of all components of the community energy system. Increase the use of local and regional renewable energy sources and technologies. Increase carbon capture and storage in the county’s forests, wetlands, and soils. Reduce the amount of material disposed in landfills.
121 E Court St, Ithaca http://www.tompkinscountyny.gov/planning/energy-greenhouse-gas (607) 274-5560 kborgella@tompkins-co.gov