Tompkins County Planning and Sustainability Department
The Department of Planning and Sustainability primarily works to implement the Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan which presents a long-term vision for the future of the community. One of the three overarching principles of the Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan is that Tompkins County should be a place where the needs of current and future generations are met without compromising the ecosystems upon which they depend.
The Tompkins County Sustainability Strategy (0.20 MB) provides a coordinated approach to integrating sustainable practices into Tompkins County government operations. Developed by County employees who serve as members of the Tompkins County Sustainability Team, the Strategy was endorsed by the Tompkins County Legislature in 2014. The Strategy provides objectives for each of eight categories, along with actions that departments and individual employees can take to achieve these objectives within a five year timespan, and measures of success that provide a means to review progress in meeting the objectives.
121 East Court Street, Ithaca
(607) 274-5560