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Beaver Lake Nature Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/beaver-lake-nature-centerBeaver Lake Nature Center, an Onondaga County Park facility, offers 9 miles of trails and over 400 annual programs. A rich mix of habitats creates the possibility of seeing more than 200 species of birds and over 800 varieties of plants. Beaver Lake features winding trails that are designed to be enjoyed in all seasons. The 200 acre glacial lake is a migratory stop for thousands of Canada geese that migrate through, as well as an opportunity for summertime exploration by canoe.
8477 East Mud Lake Road, Baldwinsville https://www.onondagacountyparks.com/parks/beaver-lake-nature-center/ (315) 638-2519 blnc@ongov.netBlack Diamond Trail
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/black-diamond-trail-This Rail Trail is part of the old line that was once the flagship passenger line of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Known as the Black Diamond Express, this luxury passenger service ran from New York to Buffalo from 1896 until 1959. Recreationists will experience a range of natural landscapes from a towering canopy of mature maple, hemlock, oak, and hickory, to views of pastoral agricultural lands, and dozens of ravines with the sounds of cascading waters all heading for the picturesque Cayuga Lake. This 8.5-mile stone-dust path along the upland slopes of Cayuga Lake makes for an enjoyable family-oriented walk, bike, or even cross-country skiing opportunity from the city limits of Ithaca to the 215 foot waterfall, Taughannock Falls.
1057-1113 Glenwood Heights Rd, Ithaca https://ithacatrails.org/site/Black%20Diamond%20Trail liz.graeper.thomas@gmail.comBluebird Trail Farm
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/bluebird-trail-farmBluebird Trail Farm is a small, friendly educational farm that offers a variety of activities and products. They are located in the hills of Corning NY, and are dedicated to raising fresh, chemical-free produce and healthy pasture-raised meats. They offer farm visits, a CSA membership, a nature trail to hike, or picking fresh vegetable and fruits from the gardens. They love hosting small groups of children and adults.
951 Harris Road, Corning http://www.bluebirdtrailfarm.org/ (607) 329-4023 bluebirdtrailfarm@gmail.comBullthistle Hiking Club
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/bullthistle-hiking-clubBullthistle Hiking Club is an affiliate of the Finger Lakes Trail Conference. Its member maintain 35 miles of public trail in Chenango County and offer regular group hikes throughout the area and monthly meetings in Norwich.
Norwich, NY https://www.facebook.com/Bullthistle-Hiking-Club-226405106848/?eid=ARAnlMtvc20iRDxcfsHNFYrJzz8FOCAZdnkkvltadVJUKbpO7bLPyQO7rCOg5JoX14vbTKzPo5TcToSG (607) 334-3872Cayuga Nature Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-nature-centerThe Cayuga Nature Center, a public education venue of the Paleontological Research Institution, provides indoor and outdoor programs and exhibits that encourage visitors to explore and understand the natural history of the Cayuga Lake Basin as part of the regional and global ecosystems. The Nature Center’s 100 acres of woodland and old field overlooking Cayuga Lake are home to a six-story treehouse, live native animals, a gorge and waterfall, and more than 5 miles of walking trails. The historic main lodge, built by the WPA in 1939, houses the largest public aquarium in the Finger Lakes – highlighting the fish life of Cayuga Lake past and present – as well as exhibits on local forest ecology, wildlife, and climate.
1420 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca https://www.cayuganaturecenter.org/ (607) 273-6260 info@cayuganaturecenter.orgCayuga Trails Club
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-trails-clubThe Cayuga Trails Club is a non-profit volunteer organization, founded in 1962 to encourage appreciation of nature through hiking, outdoor recreation, and the stewardship and conservation of foot trails. Their activities include hikes, social activities, trips to regional points of interest for hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, or canoeing, and the scouting, construction, and maintenance of more than 100 miles of trail, including a 75-mile section of the Finger Lakes Trail from Watkins Glen to Caroline, 15 miles of FLT spur trails, the 8.5-mile Cayuga Trail through the Cornell Campus and Plantations, and other short trails. CTC is affiliated with the Finger Lakes Trail Conference (FLTC), the coordinating group for the Finger Lakes Trail System. The CTC section of the Main Finger Lakes Trail is officially designated as the route of the North Country National Scenic Trail.
Ithaca, NY http://cayugatrailsclub.org/ info@cayugatrailsclub.orgCayuga Waterfront Trail
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cayuga-waterfront-trail-The Cayuga Waterfront Trail is a 5.5 mile, multi-use trail providing an active, non-motorized transportation and recreation way connecting Ithaca's most popular waterfront destinations along the southern shore of Cayuga Lake, contributing to waterfront revitalization, local quality of life and the development of sustainable transportation systems. A 2 mile loop in Cass Park extends to a linear trail connecting the West End/Inlet Island area, the Ithaca College and Cornell University Boathouses, Ithaca Farmers Market, Newman Golf Course, Stewart Park, the Ithaca Youth Bureau, and the Chamber of Commerce/Visitor Center.
904 E Shore Dr, Ithaca https://ithacatrails.org/site/Cayuga%20Waterfront%20Trail info@visitithaca.comCentral New York Land Trust
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/central-new-york-land-trustCNY Land Trust, working in Onondaga and Oswego Counties, acquires land either by donation or purchase and keeps it in its natural state. These lands may contain wetlands, ponds, streams, grasslands, forests, hills and all of the other wonderful natural landforms that abound in Central New York. CNY Land Trust owns all of its preserves, and cares for the land forever for community benefit. Hunting, trapping, camp fires, overnight camping and the use of motorized vehicles are prohibited for the safety of the visiting public and the protection of the land. All of the preserves are open, free of charge, for hiking, photography and nature study from sunrise to sunset every day of the year.
7 Fennell Street, Skaneateles http://cnylandtrust.org/ (315) 575-8839 director@cnylandtrust.orgCornell Botanic Gardens
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-botanic-gardensAs a living museum, the Cornell Botanic Gardens' cultivated gardens, arboretum, and thousands of acres of natural areas serve as outdoor classrooms for instruction across seven Cornell colleges and host research that seeks to address some of the world’s most pressing problems. The gardens are open to the public year-round and host educational programs for learners of all ages.
124 Comstock Knoll Drive, Ithaca http://www.cornellbotanicgardens.org (607) 255-2400 botanicgardens@cornell.eduCornell Lab of Ornithology
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cornell-lab-of-ornithologyThe Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a world leader in the study, appreciation, and conservation of birds. Their mission is to interpret and conserve the earth’s biological diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds. Their hallmarks are scientific excellence and technological innovation to advance the understanding of nature and engage people in all walks of life to make new discoveries, share insights, and galvanize action. They offer an array of citizen science programs, onsite and virtual education for all ages, visitor center exhibits and hiking trails at Sapsucker Woods Sanctuary, and much more.
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd, Ithaca https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home (800) 843-2473 cornellbirds@cornell.eduCumming Nature Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/cumming-nature-centerCumming Nature Center (CNC) is a dynamic environmental education facility that celebrates the unique landscape and culture of the Finger Lakes region through hands-on learning opportunities and thoughtful exhibits. Our 900-acre preserve is as beautiful as it is vast. Meander through more than 6 miles of trails complete with wetlands, climbing forest roads and hiking through the past, or investigate the curious intricacies of nature in their educational programs.
6472 West Gulick Road, Naples http://www.rmsc.org/cumming-nature-center (585) 374-6160 nhayes@rmsc.orgElmira-Chemung Transportation Council
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/elmira-chemung-transportation-councilThe Elmira-Chemung Transportation Council (ECTC) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Elmira Urbanized Area.The MPO's mission is to help build regional agreement on transportation investments and to balance highway, mass transit and other needs, leading to equitable and cost-effective transportation outcomes. ECTC is responsible for the planning and programming of any transportation project that includes Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding. One of their resources is BACPAC - the Bicycle Advisory Committee / Pedestrian Advisory Committee for Chemung, Schuyler and Steuben Counties, an informal group dedicated to walking, biking, hiking and other non-motorized transportation in the tri-county area.
400 East Church Street, Elmira https://www.chemungcountyny.gov/departments/s_-_z_departments/transportation_council/index.php (607) 737-5510 ectc@chemungcountyny.govFinger Lakes Land Trust
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-land-trustThe Finger Lakes Land Trust (FLLT) was founded in 1989 to protect forests, farmlands, gorges, and shorelines in the Finger Lakes region of New York. They have saved over 19,000 acres of the region's wetlands, forests, farmland, grassland, and gorges. This has been accomplished through the establishment of nature preserves that are open to the public for quiet recreation, the use of conservation easements (voluntary agreements on private lands), and the provision of technical assistance and educational programs to local governments, landowners, and the public.
202 E Court St, Ithaca http://www.fllt.org (607) 275-9487 info@fllt.orgFinger Lakes Trail Conference
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/finger-lakes-trail-conferenceThe Finger Lakes Trail Conference's mission is "to build, protect, enhance, and promote a continuous footpath across New York State, forever!" They work in cooperation with their members and various organizations to develop and maintain a premier hiking trail system from the Catskills to Niagara Falls and Allegheny National Forest with branches throughout the Finger Lakes region.
6111 Visitor Center Rd, Mt Morris https://fingerlakestrail.org/ (585) 658-9320 info@fingerlakestrail.orgFriends of Rogers
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/friends-of-rogersFriends of Rogers (FOR) is a nonprofit organization composed of dedicated supporters of the Rogers Environmental Education Center. They offer environmental and educational annual community events, school programs, Adventure Camps, adult programs, and more. FOR also displays a rich collection of NYS birds, provides interpretive exhibits, and maintains the many trails and trout ponds on 600 acres of NYS property.
2721 State Route 80, Sherburne https://friendsofrogers.org/ (607) 674-4733 info@friendsofrogers.orgGenesee Land Trust
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/genesee-land-trustGenesee Land Trust preserves and protects natural lands, waterways, and working farms that enhance the quality of life in the Greater Rochester region – providing wildlife habitat, locally grown food, and connections to nature – for everyone, through conservation easements. It owns and manages publicly-accessible nature preserves across the region, and has partnered with towns to create nature parks. It creates new trails on its preserves, hosts walks and events on natural lands, and facilitates programs on the land for youth and families.
46 Prince Street, Rochester https://www.geneseelandtrust.org/ (585) 256-2130 info@geneseelandtrust.orgGeneva Lakefront Trail
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/geneva-lakefront-trailGeneva Lakefront Trail is a 4.4 mile lightly trafficked out and back trail located near Geneva, New York along Seneca Lake. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from February until October.
1 Lake Front Drive, Geneva https://parks.ny.gov/parks/125 (315) 789-2331 senecalakesp@parks.ny.govGo Finger Lakes Trail Guide
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/go-finger-lakes-trail-guideA project of the Finger Lakes Land Trust, this web platform provides a comprehensive overview of the best best spots for hiking, biking, paddling, and outdoor recreation across our 6,000-square-mile region. Since 1989, together with their members and partners, the Land Trust has permanently protected over 19,000 acres of forests, gorges, wetlands, lakeshores, and farmlands. You can visit our 30+ nature preserves that are free and open to everyone. Their mission is to conserve forever the lands and waters of the Finger Lakes region, ensuring scenic vistas, local foods, clean waters, and wild places for everyone.
202 E Court St, Ithaca http://gofingerlakes.org/ (607) 275-9487 info@fllt.orgHiking and Biking in Wayne County
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/hiking-and-biking-in-wayne-countyExercise and have fun while hiking and biking in Wayne County! Trails wind through picturesque lakeside communities, along the historic Erie Canal, quiet countryside roads and promise the traveler captivating beauty. Hiking and biking trail maps are offered on their on their website.
9 Pearl Street, Lyons http://www.waynecountytourism.com/hiking-bikingIthaca and Tompkins County Trails
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/ithaca-and-tompkins-county-trailsGreater Ithaca and Tompkins County offers numerous trails for the outdoor activity of your choosing. With breathtaking views and easy access to over 150 waterfalls and gorges, your next outdoor destination is a no-brainer. This website lets you sort by difficulty, length, activity, and other parameters.
121 E Court St, Ithaca https://ithacatrails.org/ info@visitithaca.orgOwasco Flats Nature Reserve
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/owasco-flats-nature-reserveEnjoy nature at it's finest on this 89-acre preserve with trails on the lake and along the inlet. Hiking fishing, bird watching, photography, and great canoeing and kayaking. Open dawn to dusk year round. The Owasco Flats Nature Reserve, Inc. is a 501(C) 3 organization working to protect the ecological integrity of the Owasco Flats through stewardship and conservation.
2799 Firelane, Moravia https://www.facebook.com/OwascoFlats/ owascoflats@gmail.comSpencer Crest Nature Center
http://www.sustainablefingerlakes.org/map/listing/spencer-crest-nature-centerSpencer Crest Nature Center is part of Corning Community College. It provides environmental, educational and recreational activities for the greater Corning area. The Center features 250 acres and 7 miles of trails with two ponds, a stream and a museum of natural systems which includes changing displays, an apiary and an environmentally sensitive design.
2424 Spencer Hill Road, Corning https://www.corning-cc.edu/about/spencer-crest.php (607) 962-9875 eacenter@corning-cc.edu